• 05 NOV 20

    5G satellites, NASA says “that’s a disaster waiting to happen”

    For the first time, NASA is commenting on a private company’s application to launch a mega-constellation of satellites. And its message is clear: It could be disastrous.

    AST & Science (AST) wants to launch 240 large satellites that would beam down 4G service and, if all goes to plan, eventually do the same with a 5G network, Ars Technica reports. Because the satellites will be so massive, NASA said in a statement that they would cause thousands of potential collisions every year – though AST says it’s committed to working with NASA to solve the issue.

    Other mega-constellations like Starlink also pose collision risks, but it’s the massive size of these telecom satellites and AST’s inexperience in building anything that large that has NASA particularly concerned, Ars reports…SNIP

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    • 02 OCT 20

    The Health Council of the Netherlands advisory committee on 5G and health

    The Health Council of the Netherlands has long been a naysayer in regards to the potential biological impacts of telecommunications frequency exposures so it is surprising, and concerning, that they now express uncertainties in relation to 5G millimetre wave exposures. A far cry from Australia’s ARPANSA which spends its time giving a complete ‘bill of health’ to 5G with no uncertainties. However, to be fair to ARPANSA’s little band of scientists, they know all too well that if anyone publicaly questions the party line dogma they risk ending up having to drive a Uber cab in order to pay their bills. NOTE that the Health Council of the Netherlands has “hedged their bet” by recommending that latest ICNIRP guidelines be followed in the Netherlands. However, they did stick in a caveat in order to cover themselves, if and when, the 5G shit hits the fan……For anyone with a 26GHz 5G antenna stuck up outside their home all this is not very reassuring…..

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    • 28 SEP 20

    Microwave News: 5G Waveforms in Dispute

    From Louis Slesin, Editor of Microwave News: There’s been a lot of talk about the frequencies used in 5G wireless signals. But very little about what the waveforms of this radiation look like. Or, to put it another way: How fast are 5G pulses? And how powerful are they? Behind the scenes, there’s been a contentious dispute with some of the best known researchers in the field on opposing sides. Just last week, the wireless industry was lobbying the U.S. FCC to shelve some proposed rules to tighten the existing limits for these short bursts of radiation…SNIP.

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    • 26 SEP 20

    Leszczynski: EHS or not EHS: What about are studies by Belpomme and his team?

    EHS or not EHS: What about are studies by Belpomme and his team? Excerpt: Since some readers are wondering… before writing this blog I contacted French team… no response…Deployment of the 5G is unlike earlier generations of wireless technology. The base stations for the 5G will be very densely located, in close proximity to people dwellings and working places. Furthermore, once 5G will employ millimeter-waves there will be a need to deploy mini-base stations inside apartments and places of work because the millimeter-waves do not penetrate walls of buildings. The increased density of base stations and the future location of these inside buildings causes anxiety among the electro-hyper-sensitive persons (EHS). There are two approaches to study EHS, by either (i) the psychological provocation studies or by (ii) biochemical studies looking for physiological markers for diagnosis of EHS.EHS research is dominated by psychology provocation studies and I have elaborated on it earlier.Biochemical studies looking for physiological markers of EHS are performed by a single team in France. It appears that EHS sufferers and anti-EMF activists consider these French studies as valid evidence that can be used for the clinical diagnosis of EHS French researchers, using biochemical approach, claim finding of several markers of EHS associated with EMF exposures. Unfortunately, French studies have major design problems that invalidate their final conclusions…SNIP

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    • 07 SEP 20

    5G base stations use up to three-and-a-half times more energy than 4G infrastructure


    When people talk about 5G, they’re often talking about the enormous boost in speed you’ll get from using the new mobile network technology. What many people don’t realise, though, is that it’s also expending a lot more energy for Chinese telecom companies. At the beginning of August, a China Unicom branch announced that it would put some of its ZTE 5G base stations to sleep between 9pm and 9am to reduce electricity costs in the city of Luoyang. A recent white paper from telecom equipment maker Huawei illustrates the problem: 5G base stations use up to three-and-a-half times more energy than 4G infrastructure. Part of the problem is that this new generation of mobile connectivity requires more densely placed base stations. So as China has been rapidly rolling out new 5G base stations, reaching 410,000 nationwide in June, some cities are putting the ones they have to sleep to save energy because there aren’t enough users yet….SNIP

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    • 06 SEP 20

    Leszczynski on Significant discrepancy of opinions on 5G and health between ICNIRP and the Health Council of the Netherlands

    On September 2, 2020, the Health Council of the Netherlands has published opinion on 5G and health. The opinion is being translated to English and will be available in this language in October 2020. Right now, only the executive summary of the opinion is available in English. This opinion of the Netherlands’ Health Council is significant for its membership overlap with ICNIRP: It is first opinion on 5G and health published after the ICNIRP published its updated safety guidelines for EMF exposures. The chair of the ICNIRP during the preparation of the 2020 guidelines was Eric van Rongen who is also listed as one of the two secretaries of the Netherlands’ committee on EMF (highlighted red)Another member of ICNIRP, Anke Huss, is also member of the Netherlands’ committee on EMF (highlighted red) As an invited expert, the Netherlands’ committee on EMF invited Zenon Sienkiewicz who was member of ICNIRP during the preparation of the ICNIRP 2020 guidelines (highlighted red) Of interest is that during the preparation of the opinion the committee had continuously observer from the The Dutch ‘Agentschap Telecom’ that is part of the Ministry of Economical Affairs and Climate. (highlighted blue)This is the Composition of the Electromagnetic Fields Committee of the Netherlands’ Health Council for the advice 5G and health:…SNIP

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    • 31 AUG 20

    Astronomers Slam SpaceX’s Growing Starlink Satellite Constellation (And beware the Kessler Syndrome)


    From Futurism According to a new report by the Satellite Constellations 1 (Satcon1) workshop, attended by more than 250 astronomers in late July, SpaceX’s Starlink internet-beaming satellite constellation could have an “extreme” impact on astronomy and scientific progress. The workshop used computer simulations to examine how satellite constellations such as Starlink, once fully deployed, could affect the operations of Earth-based observatories. “In the last year, the sky has changed, with growing numbers of satellite trails contaminating astronomical images,” reads the report.Ruining the Night SkyStarlink officially has the permission of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to launch more than 30,000 small satellites, designed to bring broadband internet to the entire globe. But, as the last couple of months have shown, the highly reflective satellites are already ruining wide-field observations of the night sky. Some of them turned out to be so bright, they could be easily seen with the naked eye. And that could be bad news for astronomers. Scientific discoveries such as the identification of a near-Earth object or a super-Earth exoplanet candidate could be missed thanks to noise created by the satellites’ trails. “If the 100,000 or more [low-Earth satellites] proposed by many companies and many governments are deployed, no combination of mitigations can fully avoid the impacts of the satellite trails on the science programs of current and planned ground-based optical-NIR astronomy facilities,” concludes the report…SNIP (Also see the Kessler Syndrome link)

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    • 27 AUG 20

    5G unease and concerns over human rights issues mar China’s charm offensive through Europe

    Published: 6:00am, 27 Aug, 2020 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is lobbying his European counterparts for support amid a geopolitical spat with the United States but he has been met with concerns over human rights and 5G technology security. Wang arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday after beginning his first European tour of the pandemic era in Italy on Tuesday, when he met Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio. His week-long trip will continue with stops in Norway, France and Germany. On his visit to Italy, Wang warned the country to stay away from the “new cold war” that he said the US was trying to promote, and to instead to focus on economic cooperation with China. Wang also applauded Italy for showing “understanding and support” towards Beijing’s “core interests and major issues”. While Di Maio said Italy and China needed to forge closer ties, he also gave Wang a stern warning that China ought to respect Hong Kong citizens’ freedom of speech – signalling the European Union’s continued disapproval of the national security law Beijing imposed on the city. Wang’s visit follows criticism of Beijing in Europe over its handling of the coronavirus as well as China’s hardline policy in Hong Kong. More European countries are also rejecting Chinese 5G technology. Beijing has rejected claims that it covered up the pandemic after the first outbreak was recorded in China and denied security concerns related to its technology development. It has also deemed international concerns about the erosion of autonomy in Hong Kong an intervention in its internal affairs….SNIP

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    • 24 AUG 20

    Review of physiological effects of mm-waves on skin (Leszczynski)

    Notice from Dariusz Leszczynski: Here is the abstract of the paper, published in Reviews on Environmental Health. It is, unfortunately, not an open access.
    “Physiological effects if millimeter-waves on skin and skin cells: an overview of the to-date published studies” Abstract follows…SNIP

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    • 14 AUG 20

    Four Corners report on 5G breaches ABC’s Code of Practice

    The Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) appears to have sunk to a new low in journalistic standards in its recent report on 5G.The 45-minute ABC Four Corners episode, titled ‘The Truth about 5G’, which was aired on 3 August 2020, claimed to be investigating ‘the rise of the anti-5G movement and the spread of wild conspiracy theories tying the COVID-19 pandemic to the 5G rollout’. Oddly, despite the purported object of its investigation, the Four Corners report didn’t reveal a single Australian anti-5G activist blaming the COVID-19 pandemic on 5G. SSMA asks if the focus on ‘wild conspiracy theories’ is another media beat-up big on sensationalism – and short on facts? …SNIP

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    • 07 AUG 20

    New paper: Adverse health effects of 5G mobile networking technology under real-life conditions

    AbstractThis article identifies adverse effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) reported in the premier biomedical literature. It emphasizes that most of the laboratory experiments conducted to date are not designed to identify the more severe adverse effects reflective of the real-life operating environment in which wireless radiation systems operate. Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal. The vast majority do not account for synergistic adverse effects of other toxic stimuli (such as chemical and biological) acting in concert with the wireless radiation. This article also presents evidence that the nascent 5G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, as commonly believed, but will have adverse systemic effects as well…SNIP

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    • 06 AUG 20

    New paper on 5G Wireless Deployment and Health Risks

    INTRODUCTION TO THE ISSUEThere is an urgent need for clinicians and medical scientists in the Australia-New Zealand region to engage in an objective discussion around the potential health impacts of the fifth generation (5G) wireless technology currently being deployed. The statements of assurance by the industry and government parties that dominate the media in our region are at odds with the warnings of hundreds of scientists actively engaged in research on biological/health effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation/fields (EMR/EMF).There have been worldwide public protests as well as appeals by professionals and the general public that have compelled many cities in Europe to declare moratoria on 5G deployment and to begin investigations. In contrast, there is no medically-oriented professional discussion on this public health topic in Australia and New Zealand, where 5G deployment is being expedited. 5G is untested for safety on humans and other species and the limited existing evidence raises major concerns that need to be addressed. The vast body of research literature on biological/health effects of ‘wireless radiation’ (radiofrequency EMR) indicates a range of health-related issues associated with different types of wireless technologies (1G-4G, WiFi, Bluetooth, Radar, radio/TV transmission, scanning and surveillance systems). These are used in a wide range of personal devices in common use (mobile/ cordless phones, computers, baby monitors, games consoles etc) without users being aware of the health risks. Furthermore, serious safety concerns arise from the extra complexity of 5G as follows:…SNIP

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    • 04 AUG 20

    5G confusion – clarification one step at a time

    by Mary Redmayne, PhDOpinion PieceWhat a polarising topic 5G has become. This is unsurprising since the information we hear varies greatly from government, telcos, and scientists (industry-funded and independent), through to conspiracy theorists.Today, I will address just one recent statement from our Ministry of Health: “exposures to 5G signals are similar to, or lower than, those from existing cellsites, and (are) small fractions of the public limit in the standard”.The statement is misleading, and the topic is complex. Let me explain. The last part of the MoH statement claims that measured 5G exposures “[are] small fractions of the public limit in the standard [2772.1-1999].” This assumes the standard provides safety. Actually, it only seeks “minimal levels of radio-frequency absorption” and to minimise the chance of burns and shocks over short periods.It clearly does not minimise absorption as a more stringent standard would reduce the permitted maximum. Preventing burns/shocks is insufficient to assure health is intact. Many biological effects occur from “small fractions of the public limit”. Some of these are known precursors to serious diseases.Now to 5G. Once fully functioning, 5G signals will be different from 2G, 3G and 4G transmissions in key ways. Currently these differences may not apply. Here are some key differences:…SNIP

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    • 03 JUL 20

    Leszczynski on ICNIRP and 5G

    WE KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW BUT… UNDER DICTATE FROM TELECOMS AND ICNIRP, GOVERNMENTS DEPLOY 5G WITHOUT PRE-MARKET TESTING AND WITHOUT SETTING RESEARCH AGENDA ON 5G AND HEALTH. Yesterday, I came across a document, posted on twitter, from the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs. The letter from Waldemar Kraska, Secretary of State, is addressed to Ms. Elżbieta Witek, Marszałek of Sejm (Speaker of Sejm). Here is the photo of the letter and google translation to English. “Dear Madam Marshal,In response to the inquiry no. 1048 submitted by Mr. Deputy Jarosław Rzepa on June 4, 2020, regarding the introduction of 5G technology in Poland, please accept the following.When answering question 1, it should be noted that there is no data yet on the impact of 5G technology on the health and life of Poles – the launch of such networks has begun in recent months. In February this year WHO has found that so far little research has been done into the frequencies used in newly developed 5G networks….SNIP

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    • 29 JUN 20

    Air pollution, chemical exposures and increased susceptability and severity to COVID-19

    Comment: In the book, Corporate Ties That Bind published in 2017, Chapter 11 written by Gunni Nordstrom, is titled: Ignoring Chronic Illness Caused by New Chemicals and TechnolologyAlthough having no mention of viruses, Investigative journalist Nordstrom delves into how exposure to modern chemicals in our environment can cause illness. Now some 5 years later the world is grappling with COVID-19 with all sorts of wacky conspiracy theories, muddying the waters, so to speak. However, the possible role of environmental chemical pollution as a co-factor in susceptibility and illness severity is not to be dismissed, such as the evidence that suggests that people who smoke are at increased risk of more severe outcomes from COVID-19…ALMOST SIX MONTHS into the coronavirus pandemic, it’s already clear that environmental pollution is responsible for some portion of the hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 deaths around the world. Now scientists are trying to pinpoint how exactly industrial chemicals make people more susceptible to the coronavirus and how much of the blame for the devastation wrought by the new coronavirus should be laid at the feet of the industry that produces those chemicals.Scientists have even managed to measure the precise harm that a single microgram/cubic meter increase in air pollution has on a population, which, according to researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, is “an 8% increase in mortality from COVID-19.”…SNIP

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    • 27 JUN 20

    BBC caught with its finger in the 5G pie – or captured journalism

    The BBC aired their File on Four offering “the 5G Con that could make you sick” on Tuesday 16th June on Radio 4. File on Four is an “Award-winning current affairs documentary series investigating major issues at home and abroad”.The programme featured well known go-to 5G proponent David Robert Grimes who, egged on by presenter Tom Wright, took a laboured and sneering tone of boredom throughout at having to repeat such basic facts.This tone matched the context, in which Electro Hypersensitivity Sufferers (EHS) were presented as ‘dangerously’ believing that their symptoms are related to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF). As the programme lumbered on, these unfortunates were eventually presented virtually as a virus in their own right, with the power to infect the world with this belief.The eminent and influential award winning scientist and writer Dr Devra Davis pulled her contribution to the programme citing concerns about the context: “I refused to participate in the BBC program when it became clear that they had conducted a sting operation by fraudulently inviting me to talk about the science when all they wanted to do was try to make a mockery of the serious concerns many scientists have a about EHS” Dr Davis commented. Introducing Conflict of Interest…SNIP

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    • 17 JUN 20

    Mullumbimby: The counterculture town fighting 5

    As 5G protests and misinformation mount around the world, many Australians are concerned the next generation mobile technology could pose health risks. In fact, a recent poll by Essential revealed one in eight blame the wireless network for spreading COVID-19. Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne [See my previous post on False Flag demonstrations], and even the rural roads of Mullumbimby, a small town frequently dubbed the “anti-vaccine capital” of Australia. A stone’s throw from Byron Bay in New South Wales, Mullumbimby is a destination with a renowned history of counterculture. “This part of Australia has a long history of standing up to big corporations”, said Tashi Lhamo, administrator for local anti-5G group Northern Rivers for Safe Technology “We’re riding on the back of what happened out at Bentley with standing up against coal seam gas, and our Byron Shire Council, they stopped fluoride in the water. We stopped McDonalds.” “There is a community here that is cohesive and they know how to stand up to big corporations.”, Tashi told The Feed…SNIP

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    • 14 JUN 20

    Investigate Europe: Real 5G issues overshadowed by Covid-19 conspiracy theories

    Investigate Europe published a third in their series on 5G https://www.investigate-europe.eu/en/2020/5g-covid-conspiracy/ 12 June 2020 By Ingeborg Eliassen and Paulo Pena Excerpt Unsubstantiated claims that connect the new mobile technology to the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic have led people to destroy 5G masts in several countries. Such actions overshadow concerns about health effects of the

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    • 04 JUN 20

    Beware of “False Flag” anti-5G demonstrations

    The term “False Flag” is defined as a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility. After looking at a recent (May 10) demonstration against vaccinations/ COVID -19 restrictions/ and 5G conspiracies, etc., which took place in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Hobart (see media reporting below), I’m wondering just who these supposed demonstrators were and who organised the coordinated events?

    Rag tag hastily written signs with the usual mixture of radical looking protesters. A real win for the telco industry as it effectively gives the general public the impression that concerns over 5G are in the looney bin, not to be taken seriously.

    Now, if I were working for whatever professional PR firm has been tasked by the federal government to spend that $ 9 million budget to convince the Australian public that 5G is safe, this is exactly what I would do: SNIP

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    • 28 MAY 20

    Review of 5G mm-waves’ effects on skin, by D. Leszczynski

    Excerpt: In November 2019, during my lecture tour in New Zealand (Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington & Nelson) I have briefly presented the very limited scientific evidence on the possible effects of millimeter-waves of the 5G on skin and skin cells.Recently, I have written a review article presenting the to-date performed research on the effects of mm-waves on skin and it will be soon published in the peer-reviewed journal ‘Reviews in Environmental health’. As soon as the article will be available on-line appropriate link will be provided on BRHP.For now, here is the abstract of the article, a quote from the Discussion section and the final Conclusion of the review. SNIP

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