Leszczynski on Significant discrepancy of opinions on 5G and health between ICNIRP and the Health Council of the Netherlands
From Dariusz Leszczynski
On September 2, 2020, the Health Council of the Netherlands has published opinion on 5G and health. The opinion is being translated to English and will be available in this language in October 2020. Right now, only the executive summary of the opinion is available in English.
This opinion of the Netherlands”™ Health Council is significant for its membership overlap with ICNIRP:
- It is first opinion on 5G and health published after the ICNIRP published its updated safety guidelines for EMF exposures.
- The chair of the ICNIRP during the preparation of the 2020 guidelines was Eric van Rongen who is also listed as one of the two secretaries of the Netherlands”™ committee on EMF (highlighted red)
- Another member of ICNIRP, Anke Huss, is also member of the Netherlands”™ committee on EMF (highlighted red)
- As an invited expert, the Netherlands”™ committee on EMF invited Zenon Sienkiewicz who was member of ICNIRP during the preparation of the ICNIRP 2020 guidelines (highlighted red)
- Of interest is that during the preparation of the opinion the committee had continuously observer from the The Dutch “˜Agentschap Telecom”™ that is part of the Ministry of Economical Affairs and Climate. (highlighted blue)
This is the Composition of the Electromagnetic Fields Committee of the Netherlands”™ Health Council for the advice 5G and health:…SNIP
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