• 18 OCT 17

    Huge Amounts of Radiation Won’t Harm You, Pruitt’s EPA Claims

    Scott Pruitt, chief of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), isn’t just going about destroying environmental safeguards; he has now issued a “guideline” document that states that excessive exposure to radiation is safe for human life. That means he’s not only allowing more pollution that can contribute to ill health and degradation of the environment, but he is also putting us at risk when it comes to radiation. According to Bloomberg,

    In the event of a dirty bomb or a nuclear meltdown, emergency responders can safely tolerate radiation levels equivalent to thousands of chest X-rays, the Environmental Protection Agency said in new guidelines that ease off on established safety levels…. SNIP

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    • 18 JUL 17

    Radioactive contamination risk and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

    While elite athletes of many nations prepare to do their best at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics they are being kept ignorant of what is possibly a significant long-term health risk to them and their support teams – not to mention visitors to the games. For the Japanese government, if you cannot fix the problem, ignore it and hope for the best. Read on…

    Japan Plans to Expose Its People and 2020 Tokyo Olympians to Fukushima Radiation…SNIP

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    • 31 JUL 16

    Post Fukushima: US EPA approves vastly higher radiation limits in drinking water

    After the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, with cesium 137 contamination in Sweden, Norway and to a lesser extent, Finland, they all faced a marketing nightmare for their food industry (especially for Raindeer meat) The stuff now was unacceptably radioactive according to the then existing “safe ” limits. Sweden’s ingenious solution to this dilemma was to simply increase the allowable limits so it was now okay to eat raindeer meat. More recently, post Fukushima, the Japanese government has done similar by significantly raising allowable radiation limits for both workers and children. Now we have the US EPA doing similar by raising the allowable level of radioactive contamination in America’s drinking water. WHY? Read on, SNIP

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    • 05 MAR 15

    Fukushima Meltdown 4 Years Later


    From Fairewinds Energy Education


    Four years have passed since the tragic triple meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants, and the hits keep on coming as massive amounts of radioactively contaminated water continue to flow into the Pacific Ocean and no solution exists for safely containing the ongoing accumulation of radioactive debris contaminating the prefecture. Created in two parts, Fairewinds Energy Education presents you with a 5-minute retrospective followed by a 25-minute in-depth reflection on the Fukushima Meltdown 4 Years Later. (Click on the link below)

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    • 15 OCT 14

    Iraqi Doctors Call Depleted Uranium Use “Genocide”


    Contamination from depleted uranium (DU) munitions is causing sharp rises in congenital birth defects, cancer cases and other illnesses throughout much of Iraq, according to numerous Iraqi doctors.

    Iraqi doctors and prominent scientists believe that DU contamination is also connected to the emergence of diseases that were not previously seen in Iraq, such as new illnesses in the kidney, lungs and liver, as well as total immune system collapse. DU contamination may also be connected to the steep rise in leukaemia, renal and anaemia cases, especially among children, being reported throughout many Iraqi governorates.

    There has also been a dramatic jump in miscarriages and premature births among Iraqi women, particularly in areas where heavy US military operations occurred, such as Fallujah during 2004, and Basra during the 1991 US war on Iraq.

    It is estimated that the United States used 350 tons of DU munitions in Iraq during the 1991 war, and 1,200 tons during its 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation.

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    • 01 OCT 14

    Interview with Helen Caldicott on Fukushima

    Shadows of Fukushima By Michelle Pini

    In Australia, we don’t have nuclear power, we just export our radiation for the joy and benefit of the rest of the world – it’s immoral. Dr Helen Caldicott

    Dr Helen Caldicott is hard to ignore. Her breadth of knowledge and fervour for her subject seem limitless. She gesticulates often, her gaze is direct, and there is a practical sense of urgency in her voice.

    An Australian physician and world-renowned anti-nuclear activist and educator, she makes time to be interviewed despite having just returned from a speaking tour of Japan and Denmark. If Caldicott is jetlagged, she shows no sign.

    “Fukushima is bigger and much worse than Chernobyl,” she says emphatically. “Yet we are buying Japanese food imports, we are eating fish that are likely contaminated and there is no telling whether the atmospheric radiation cloud which hovered over Japan initially, will not end up here.”

    We are discussing the 2011 events at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, described by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) as “the largest civilian nuclear accident since … Chernobyl.” (The Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, 2014.)

    As a 16 year old, Caldicott read On the Beach, a novel set in Melbourne about a nuclear war resulting in the obliteration of life on earth. “I kind of lost my innocence after that book and never felt safe again,” she says.

    Caldicott then went on to study medicine and learned about the effects of radiation, mutations and cancers. “At the same time, Russia and America were testing bombs like there was no tomorrow – it was insanity,” she says, describing the events that have fuelled her obsession for so long. (Caldicott has campaigned against uranium mining and nuclear power for 43 years.)

    “We don’t know where things are being grown, and because we can’t taste, smell or see radiation, nobody should be eating Miso soup or rice or anything else imported from Japan,” advises Caldicott.

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    • 01 OCT 14

    ISIS: Tokyo Contaminated & Not Fit for Habitation, Doctor Says

    It is unfortunate that, besides the obvious, ISIS also stands for the Institute of Science In Society. Perhaps it would be opportune for this ISIS to consider altering their name to the Institute of Science And Society (ISAS) before the NSA sends in the drones….

    ISIS Report 24/9/14: Tokyo Contaminated & Not Fit for Habitation, Doctor Says


    All 23 districts of Tokyo contaminated with radiation, worse than at Chernobyl after the accident, and blood cells of children under ten are showing worrying changes; the WHO, the IAEA & the Japanese government cannot be trusted

    Susie Greaves

    In July 2014 Dr Shigeru Mita wrote a letter to his fellow doctors to explain his decision to move his practice from Tokyo to Okayama city in the West of Japan [1]. In it, he appeals to their sense of duty to answer the anxieties of parents in Japan who do not believe the information coming from the authorities. He says “I must state that the policies of the WHO, the IAEA or the Japanese government cannot be trusted.” and “if the power to save our citizens and future generations exists somewhere, it does not lie within the government or any academic association, but in the hands of individual clinical doctors ourselves.”

    Mita claims that all 23 districts of Tokyo are contaminated, with the eastern area worst affected – up to 4 000 Bq/kg. (The becquerel is a unit of radioactivity. One Bq is the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.) These findings confirm what the nuclear physicist Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Nuclear Education found in 2012, when he picked up five random soil samples in Tokyo from between paving stones, in parks and playgrounds. The levels of contamination were up to 7 000 Bq/kg; in the US, anything registering these levels would be considered nuclear waste [2].nWhile practising in Tokyo, Mita also discovered changes in the white blood cells of children under 10.

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    • 28 DEC 13


    From the Turner Radio Network
    Sunday, 22 December 2013 13:14

    December 22, 2013 — (TRN http://www.TurnerRadioNetwork.com ) — As news has spread about the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan sailing into a plume of radiation, which Japan knew was emanating from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster but did not disclose to the US Navy, a new revelation from that rescue mission is now stirring utter outrage: When the USS Ronald Reagan realized its on-board water desalinization system had been contaminated with radiation from the sea water it was drawing-in for the crew to drink, bathe in and cook with, the ship sought to dock in Japan to get things cleaned out and get help for the heavily contaminated crew. JAPAN REFUSED PERMISSION for the ship to dock saying it “was too radioactive.”


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    • 17 DEC 13

    An ongoing nuclear disaster aboard U.S. Aircraft carrier: Another legacy of Fukushima

    51 Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan Suffering Thyroid Cancer, Leukemia, Brain Tumors After Participating in Fukushima Nuclear Rescue Efforts

    December 12, 2013 — (TRN http://www.TurnerRadioNetwork.com ) — Crew members in their mid-20’s from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan are coming down with all sorts of radiation-related illnesses after being deployed less than 3 years ago to assist with earthquake rescue operations off the coast of Japan in 2011. It looks as though the onboard desalinization systems that take salt out of seawater to make it drinkable, were taking-in radioactive water from the ocean for the crew to drink, cook with and bath-in, before anyone realized there was a massive radiation spill into the ocean.

    Charles Bonner, attorney representing sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan said “the crew members were not only going to the rescue by jumping into the water and rescuing people out of the water, but they were drinking desalinated sea water, bathing in it, until finally the captain of the USS Ronald Reagan alarmed people that they were encountering high levels of radiation.”


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    • 13 JUL 13

    A victory for the vets would destroy the current ionizing radiation risk model and open the floodgates for more claims

    (NaturalNews) A pensions case has become the site of a vicious battleground between the Anglo-American establishment and a British scientist in a row over accepted safe levels of radiation exposure.

    It began in 2011 when a group of 16 veterans of UK nuclear bomb tests in Australia and Christmas Island applied for pensions on the grounds that their illnesses (and those of their children and grandchildren) were most likely caused by particulate uranium inhalation.

    In a tale with more twists than a John Grisham novel, the veterans have had their appeals quashed after being forced to change their firm of solicitors and their expert witness – international radiation authority and Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, Dr. Chris Busby, who has a track record of winning five similar cases in a row.

    The veterans, originally represented by Rosenblatts Solicitors, had commissioned Dr. Busby to provide evidence. But Rosenblatts suddenly pulled out of the case in December 2012 after funding provided by the Royal British Legion dried up. Washington-based Hogan Lovells International – a firm with a history of representing government and pharmaceutical companies, quickly filled the gap.


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    • 14 JUN 13

    Cleanup From Fukushima Daiichi: Technological Disaster Or Crisis In Governance?

    By Art Keller


    More than 19,000 Japanese drowned, their bodies scattered on Japan’s eastern shores when a tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011. Kevin Wang wanted to help, and his Anaheim, Califonia-based company, PowerPlus, had the cleaning know-how to handle almost anything. Wang has spent decades developing equipment to clean up almost every sort of nasty gunk in existence, from massive oil spills, to radiological contamination, to dead bodies in quantity.

    Immediately after the tsunami, Wang visited the Japanese consul general in Los Angeles to offer his company’s assistance in dealing the huge threat to public health posed by this mass casualty event. The response by Japan’s consul-general made Wang’s jaw drop. “Absolutely not,” the consul replied, continuing on with rejection language so brusque, Wang had no doubt his offer was taken as an insult.


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    • 31 MAY 13

    Fukushima’s radioactive water: What to do with 400 tons a day?

    May 31, 2013

    By Antoni Slodkowski

    HISANOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) – Dozens of crabs, three small sharks and scores of fish thump on the slippery deck of the fishing boat True Prosperity as captain Shohei Yaoita lands his latest haul, another catch headed not for the dinner table but for radioactive testing. Japan’s government banned commercial fishing in this area, some 200 km (125 miles) northeast of Tokyo, after a devastating 2011 tsunami and the reactor meltdowns and explosions that followed at the nearby Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant. The plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co, or Tepco, has battled since then to keep radioactive water used to cool the crippled reactor from leaking into the ground and the sea…..The fishermen and Tepco are in dispute over the utility’s plans to dump 100 tons of groundwater a day from the devastated plant into the sea. The complicated clean-up plan for Fukushima could take 30 years or more. Tepco’s challenge is what to do with the contaminated water that has been pooling at the plant at a rate of 400 tons a day – enough to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool in a week.

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    • 29 MAY 13

    Violations of the Right to Health in Fukushima – Will WHO Listen to the UN Special Rapporteur?

    Japanese citizen associations have been reporting violations of the right to health of populations in Fukushima since the first months of the accident. Meanwhile WHO continues to minimize health risks, despite reports from independent scientists, health professionals and citizen groups of high levels of contamination, inadequate radioprotection and early signs of very serious health problems. The Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, Anand Grover, has issued a strong statement (1) following his visit to the stricken area.
    Within days of the Fukushima nuclear accident and on the basis of no information whatsoever, WHO stated that “at the moment there is very little public health risk outside the 30 km (evacuation) zone”. In contrast, independent researchers (2) stated – on the basis of the composition of the emissions – that core meltdowns had occurred with massive radioactive contamination. They were right of course as TEPCO and the Japanese government conceded a few weeks later – too late to avoid harm.

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    • 22 MAR 13

    Smart meters, depleted uranium, and bad advice from the Health Council of the Netherlands

    Lately the expert advice of the Health Council of the Netherlands has been relied upon by those promoting smart meter radiofrequency emissions as being perfectly safe. Often quoted is the HCN’s report: “Health Council of the Netherlands Electromagnetic Fields Annual Update 2008”

    The Health Council of the Netherlands has also earlier given its expert advice on the dangers of depleted uranium as widely used in Iraq. Often quoted was their 2002 report: “Depleted Uranium Report from the Health Council of the Netherlands”.

    This advice has turned out to be very bad………….

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    • 26 JUN 12

    Experts warn of another disaster awaiting at Fukushima

    From the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 25/06/2012 Japanese and US nuclear experts warn that another earthquake hitting Fukushima could spark a disaster worse than Chernobyl. Transcript LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: One more major earthquake in Japan and the nation could face a nuclear disaster 10 times the scale of Chernobyl. That’s what experts are telling 7.30.

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    • 12 APR 12

    Essential listening for the latest on the Fukushima crisis

    From Radio Ecoshock: The Worst Problems In The World: Alex Smith, of Radio Ecoshock, interviews nuclear industry expert Arnie Gundersen, of Fairewinds Associates. Smith notes that the nuclear accident at Fukushima Japan is far from over as three reactors continue to meltdown. Smith adds that now there is a storm of international worry about nuclear

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    • 12 APR 12

    Widespread radioactive contamination throughout northern Japan, including Tokyo

    NOTE: The other night we had a family dinner at a first-class local seafood restaurant in Hobart Tasmania, The Drunken Admiral. Highly recommended but I would not recommend one item on the menu. That is the “Japanese Trawler King Prawns”. Even though I love king prawns we all passed up on that particular delicacy for

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    • 10 APR 12

    Japanese ambassador has grave concerns over the spent fuel pond above Fukushima reactor #4

    From the website of Akio Matsumura: http://akiomatsumura.com/2012/04/682.html Also See additional information at: http://akiomatsumura.com/category/nuclear Japan”s former Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr. Mitsuhei Murata, was invited to speak at the Public Hearing of the Budgetary Committee of the House of Councilors on March 22, 2012, on the Fukushima nuclear power plants accident. Before the Committee, Ambassador Murata strongly

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    • 08 JUL 11

    ARPANSA being investigated for “improper relationship” with nuclear agency

    So, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency is being investigated for being in a nice cozy relationship with the nuclear industry regulator (and promoter) that has endangered nuclear safety. No surprise to those who have been seeing ARPANSA being too close to other industry sectors. How about widening the investigation to include how

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    • 28 APR 11

    1382: IAEA/WHO Spinning The Legacy of Chernobyl

    From Richard Bramhall, LLRC: Fallout: The Legacy of Chernobyl (BBC Radio 4, 26 April 2011 20.00 – 20.40) You can listen here. ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b010mckx ) This programme expressed the IAEA / WHO view that there has been no observable impact on health except for thyroid cancers caused by a failure to distribute stable iodine, and

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