• 03 JUL 20

    Leszczynski on ICNIRP and 5G

    WE KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW BUT… UNDER DICTATE FROM TELECOMS AND ICNIRP, GOVERNMENTS DEPLOY 5G WITHOUT PRE-MARKET TESTING AND WITHOUT SETTING RESEARCH AGENDA ON 5G AND HEALTH. Yesterday, I came across a document, posted on twitter, from the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs. The letter from Waldemar Kraska, Secretary of State, is addressed to Ms. Elżbieta Witek, Marszałek of Sejm (Speaker of Sejm). Here is the photo of the letter and google translation to English. “Dear Madam Marshal,In response to the inquiry no. 1048 submitted by Mr. Deputy Jarosław Rzepa on June 4, 2020, regarding the introduction of 5G technology in Poland, please accept the following.When answering question 1, it should be noted that there is no data yet on the impact of 5G technology on the health and life of Poles – the launch of such networks has begun in recent months. In February this year WHO has found that so far little research has been done into the frequencies used in newly developed 5G networks….SNIP

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    • 02 JUL 20

    Recent Swedish article on chemical emissions and human health

    Excerpt: Health hazards in the form of dangerous chemicals are built into electronic devices when these are manufactured. As scrap, the devices are an environmental risk to both nature and people. But it is less known that the devices can leak hazardous substances during normal use.The role of the chemicals as an essential cause of ill-health is surprisingly rarely discussed. Above all, there is no detailed discussion of possible relationship between chemicals and so called new diseases such as multiple chemical hypersensitivity, electrical hypersensitivity and chronic fatigue…SNIP

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    • 29 JUN 20

    Air pollution, chemical exposures and increased susceptability and severity to COVID-19

    Comment: In the book, Corporate Ties That Bind published in 2017, Chapter 11 written by Gunni Nordstrom, is titled: Ignoring Chronic Illness Caused by New Chemicals and TechnolologyAlthough having no mention of viruses, Investigative journalist Nordstrom delves into how exposure to modern chemicals in our environment can cause illness. Now some 5 years later the world is grappling with COVID-19 with all sorts of wacky conspiracy theories, muddying the waters, so to speak. However, the possible role of environmental chemical pollution as a co-factor in susceptibility and illness severity is not to be dismissed, such as the evidence that suggests that people who smoke are at increased risk of more severe outcomes from COVID-19…ALMOST SIX MONTHS into the coronavirus pandemic, it’s already clear that environmental pollution is responsible for some portion of the hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 deaths around the world. Now scientists are trying to pinpoint how exactly industrial chemicals make people more susceptible to the coronavirus and how much of the blame for the devastation wrought by the new coronavirus should be laid at the feet of the industry that produces those chemicals.Scientists have even managed to measure the precise harm that a single microgram/cubic meter increase in air pollution has on a population, which, according to researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, is “an 8% increase in mortality from COVID-19.”…SNIP

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    • 27 JUN 20

    BBC caught with its finger in the 5G pie – or captured journalism

    The BBC aired their File on Four offering “the 5G Con that could make you sick” on Tuesday 16th June on Radio 4. File on Four is an “Award-winning current affairs documentary series investigating major issues at home and abroad”.The programme featured well known go-to 5G proponent David Robert Grimes who, egged on by presenter Tom Wright, took a laboured and sneering tone of boredom throughout at having to repeat such basic facts.This tone matched the context, in which Electro Hypersensitivity Sufferers (EHS) were presented as ‘dangerously’ believing that their symptoms are related to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF). As the programme lumbered on, these unfortunates were eventually presented virtually as a virus in their own right, with the power to infect the world with this belief.The eminent and influential award winning scientist and writer Dr Devra Davis pulled her contribution to the programme citing concerns about the context: “I refused to participate in the BBC program when it became clear that they had conducted a sting operation by fraudulently inviting me to talk about the science when all they wanted to do was try to make a mockery of the serious concerns many scientists have a about EHS” Dr Davis commented. Introducing Conflict of Interest…SNIP

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    • 17 JUN 20

    Mullumbimby: The counterculture town fighting 5

    As 5G protests and misinformation mount around the world, many Australians are concerned the next generation mobile technology could pose health risks. In fact, a recent poll by Essential revealed one in eight blame the wireless network for spreading COVID-19. Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne [See my previous post on False Flag demonstrations], and even the rural roads of Mullumbimby, a small town frequently dubbed the “anti-vaccine capital” of Australia. A stone’s throw from Byron Bay in New South Wales, Mullumbimby is a destination with a renowned history of counterculture. “This part of Australia has a long history of standing up to big corporations”, said Tashi Lhamo, administrator for local anti-5G group Northern Rivers for Safe Technology “We’re riding on the back of what happened out at Bentley with standing up against coal seam gas, and our Byron Shire Council, they stopped fluoride in the water. We stopped McDonalds.” “There is a community here that is cohesive and they know how to stand up to big corporations.”, Tashi told The Feed…SNIP

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    • 14 JUN 20

    Investigate Europe: Real 5G issues overshadowed by Covid-19 conspiracy theories

    Investigate Europe published a third in their series on 5G https://www.investigate-europe.eu/en/2020/5g-covid-conspiracy/ 12 June 2020 By Ingeborg Eliassen and Paulo Pena Excerpt Unsubstantiated claims that connect the new mobile technology to the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic have led people to destroy 5G masts in several countries. Such actions overshadow concerns about health effects of the

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    • 04 JUN 20

    Beware of “False Flag” anti-5G demonstrations

    The term “False Flag” is defined as a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility. After looking at a recent (May 10) demonstration against vaccinations/ COVID -19 restrictions/ and 5G conspiracies, etc., which took place in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Hobart (see media reporting below), I’m wondering just who these supposed demonstrators were and who organised the coordinated events?

    Rag tag hastily written signs with the usual mixture of radical looking protesters. A real win for the telco industry as it effectively gives the general public the impression that concerns over 5G are in the looney bin, not to be taken seriously.

    Now, if I were working for whatever professional PR firm has been tasked by the federal government to spend that $ 9 million budget to convince the Australian public that 5G is safe, this is exactly what I would do: SNIP

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    • 01 JUN 20

    Relevant paper: Richard Doll and Alice Stewart reputation and the shaping of scientific “truth”

    ABSTRACT As the world watched the Fukushima reactors release radionuclidesinto the ocean and atmosphere, the warnings of Dr.Alice Stewart about radiation riskand the reassurances of Sir Richard Doll assumed renewed relevance. Doll and Stewart,pioneer cancer epidemiologists who made major contributions in the 1950s–he bydemonstrating the link between lung cancer and smoking, she by discovering that fetalX-rays double the chance of a childhood cancer–were locked into opposition aboutlow-dose radiation risk. When she went public with the discovery that radiation at afraction of the dose “known” to be dangerous could kill a child, her reputation plummeted,whereas Doll, foremost among her detractors, was knighted and lauded as “theworld’s most distinguished medical epidemiologist” for his work. Their lives andcareers, so closely intertwined, took contrary courses, he becoming “more of the establishment”(as he said), while she became more oppositional. When it was discovered,after his death, that he’d been taking large sums of money from industries whose chemicalshe was clearing of cancer risk, his reputation remained unscathed; it is now enshrinedin the “Authorized Biography” (2009) commissioned by the Wellcome Institute,along with Doll’s denigration of Stewart as an “embittered” woman and biasedscientist. Stewart lived long enough to see radiation science move her way, to see internationalcommittees affirm, in the 1990s, that there is no threshold beneath which radiationceases to be dangerous; recent evidence from Chernobyl is bearing out her warnings.But a look at the making and breaking of these reputations reveals the power ofstatus, position, and image to shape scientific “knowledge” and social policy.

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    • 28 MAY 20

    Review of 5G mm-waves’ effects on skin, by D. Leszczynski

    Excerpt: In November 2019, during my lecture tour in New Zealand (Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington & Nelson) I have briefly presented the very limited scientific evidence on the possible effects of millimeter-waves of the 5G on skin and skin cells.Recently, I have written a review article presenting the to-date performed research on the effects of mm-waves on skin and it will be soon published in the peer-reviewed journal ‘Reviews in Environmental health’. As soon as the article will be available on-line appropriate link will be provided on BRHP.For now, here is the abstract of the article, a quote from the Discussion section and the final Conclusion of the review. SNIP

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    • 13 MAY 20

    Legal Action Against 5G in the UK

    Consequence of 5G implementation: The consequence of doing nothing will allow irreparable harm to all life, most particularly the unborn, children, the elderly, anyone with underlying health conditions and people with metal implants. There will be a fundamental difference in our lives, we will lose our privacy as surveillance and social control by industry and governments becomes ubiquitous, tracking and monitoring leading to behaviour modification. We might ask ourselves whether we wish to have our lives become the property of any corporation for control and profit. Are we to be obedient to the interests of others, with choices reduced and decisions determined by an algorithm? Or do we value our right to self determination without coercion, and free from harm?…SNIP

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    • 12 MAY 20

    In a post COVID-19 dystopian world “Humans are biohazards, machines are not.”

    Excerpt: For a few fleeting moments during New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s daily coronavirus briefing on Wednesday, the somber grimace that has filled our screens for weeks was briefly replaced by something resembling a smile.“We are ready, we’re all-in,” the governor gushed. “We are New Yorkers, so we’re aggressive about it, we’re ambitious about it. … We realize that change is not only imminent, but it can actually be a friend if done the right way.”The inspiration for these uncharacteristically good vibes was a video visit from former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who joined the governor’s briefing to announce that he will be heading up a blue-ribbon commission to reimagine New York state’s post-Covid reality, with an emphasis on permanently integrating technology into every aspect of civic life…SNIP

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    • 29 APR 20

    5G – a building biology perspective

    Published in the German Building Biology magazinebaubiologie magazin English language version of “5G aus baubiologischer Sicht“: Everybody is talking about 5G. The electrosmog debate has been stirred up again and all those concerns about the exposure to electromagnetic fields as well. The industry in particular, but also many other people would like to have faster and more powerful data networks. Yet others are concerned about radiation risks and data security. So what can building biology contribute to the solution, what do we know so far, and what do we have to expect from the future development of our ambient wireless environment? By Dr. Manfred Mierau…SNIP

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    • 28 APR 20

    Victor Leach of ORSAA: Critical review of the FDA 2020 Report

    Excerpt from Victor Leach’s FDA analysis: Comment on the FDA 2020 Report‘ Review of Published Literature between 2008 and 2018 of Relevance to Radiofrequency Radiation and Cancer’ by Victor Leach ORSAA – Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of many consumer products, drugs, vaccines, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation etc. They have a responsibility to protect consumers from biotoxins, and hence this FDA review of wireless radiation.As outlined below I believe this report is inadequate and biased in favour of industry. The following revelations that emerged from my analysis of this report in detail will explain why I have come to this conclusion….SNIP

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    • 25 APR 20

    Online Conference: Environmental & Viral Disruptors: Rising to the Challenge, Reducing Risk & Future-Proofing Humanity

    The Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) is proud to present the first ACNEM Online Global Conference.As millions of people battle a viral pandemic ACNEM is fulfilling its vision to transform global health through science and education.Welcome to the ACNEM Live experience – the largest event in our almost 40-year history. The conference kicks off investigating COVID-19 around the world and what environmental medicine looks like in 2020. Hosting the world’s leading experts we explore: Inner Environment: Optimising our immune function with nutritional and environmental medicine
    (Week 2)Personal Environment: Future-proofing ourselves and our patients’ through good sleep, optimal breathing, exercise, and stress reduction, and improving overall mental health
    (Week 3 & 4)Home & Work Environment: Environmental causes of illness in our immediate environments, including moulds, heavy metals and EMFs (Weeks 5 & 6)Global Environment: How air quality, food and water pollution, and climate change impact human health (Weeks 7 & 8)Starting May 4th 2020, Join the leading global integrative medicine event….SNIP

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    • 24 APR 20

    Hacking vulnerabilities with the Internet of Things (IoT)

    Excerpt: Red faces in Red Square, again. Last July, I reported on the hacking of SyTech, an FSB (Federal Security Service) contractor working on internet surveillance tech. Now, reports have emerged from Russia of another shocking security breach within the FSB ecosystem. This one has exposed “a new weapon ordered by the security service,” one that can execute cyber attacks on the Internet of Things (IoT)–the millions of connected devices now in our homes and offices.The goal of the so-called “Fronton Program” is to exploit IoT security vulnerabilities en masse–remember, these technologies are fundamentally less secure than other connected devices in homes and offices. In fact, one of the breached technical documents reported by BBC Russia even explains that “the Internet of Things is less secure than mobile devices and servers.” The security contractors highlight retained default “factory” passwords as the obvious weakness, one that is easy to exploit… SNIP

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    • 23 APR 20

    New paper: Building science and radiofrequency radiation: What makes smart and healthy buildings

    Excerpt: Radiofrequency radiation (RFR), used for wireless communications and “smart” building technologies, including the “Internet of Things,” is increasing rapidly. As both RFR exposures and scientific evidence of harmful effects increase apace, it is timely to heed calls to include low RFR levels as a performance indicator for the health, safety and well-being of occupants and the environment.Adverse biochemical and biological effects at commonly experienced RFR levels indicate that exposure guidelines for the U.S., Canada and other countries are inadequate to protect public health and the environment.Some industry liability insurance providers do not offer coverage against adverse health effects from radiation emitted by wireless technologies, and insurance authorities deem potential liability as “high.” Internationally, governments have enacted laws, and medical and public health authorities have issued recommendations, to reduce and limit exposure to RFR.There is an urgent need to implement strategies for no- or low-RFR emitting technologies, and shielding, in building design and retrofitting. These strategies include installing wired (not wireless) Internet networks, corded rather than cordless phones, and cable or wired connections in building systems (e.g., mechanical, lighting, security). Building science can profit from decades of work to institute performance parameters, operationalizing prudent guidelines and best practices. The goal is to achieve RFR exposures that are ALARA, “As Low As Reasonably Achievable.”…SNIP

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    • 22 APR 20

    New Paper on Autism and toddler’s exposure digital media devices

    Key Points:
    Question Are screen media exposure and social and demographic factors associated with the risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or ASD–like symptoms on the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers at 2 years of age?
    Findings: This cohort study of 2152 children controlled for perinatal and demographic variables and found that television and/or video exposure and less caregiver-child interactive play at 12 months of age were each significantly associated with greater ASD-like symptoms, determined by total revised Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers score, but not with the risk of ASD. Additional perinatal and demographic findings are discussed.Meaning Less screen exposure and more parent-child play at 12 months of age were associated with fewer ASD–like symptoms at 2 years of age, and more research on early experiential factors is recommended.

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    • 16 APR 20

    Dariusz Leszczynski on a 5G moratorium

    Excerpt: From Dariusz LeszczynskiEsteemed anti 5G colleagues would like to have it both ways, but it is wrong.On one hand they claim, correctly, that the 5G was not tested for its health impact on humans. Meaning, there are no studies available to prove it safety. This is correct.But then, they claim that 5G is dangerous and proven to damage human health (Pall, Firstenberg, Davis et al.).Big question is: how do they know it?If, as they correctly claim, research on 5G and health has not been done then there is no evidence to show/prove that 5G is dangerous or that 5G is not dangerous.Also, what 5G frequencies they talk when referring to 5G? Those well below 6 GHz, that were used already and are known to possibly/probably affect health, though the proof of health damage is still elusive? Or are they talking about 26 GHz and 28 GHz and other frequencies over the 30 GHz (mmWaves) that were not studied?…SNIP

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    • 10 APR 20

    An important message from Microwave News

    Excerpt: We’re all frazzled and anxious. The world has changed, seemingly overnight, and we don’t know when and how we will ever go back to normal –whatever that means. One thing we don’t have to worry about is whether 5G radiation is responsible for COVID-19. It’s not. There’s no credible evidence to suggest otherwise.Yet, there is at least one parallel between how we’ve been struggling with COVID-19 over the last few months and how we have been dealing with electromagnetic radiation for the last few decades in the U.S. and elsewhere: Science has taken a back seat to politics.The public has been fed lies and half-truths about the health effects of RF/microwave radiation for as long as I have been involved, since the 1970s. The campaign has created a culture of confusion. In this environment, why would anyone be surprised that sensational conspiracy theories about 5G have found a footing?The Microwave News website is full of articles describing how the public has been misled time and time again. In my latest article, I offer two current examples from those who are supposed to serve as the world’s experts, the members of the International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, ICNIRP for short…

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    • 06 APR 20

    Joel M. Moskowitz: Mainstream news media pushes back on 5G-coronavirus speculation: Unintended consequences + more

    Excerpt: From Joel M. Moskowitz’s blog: Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Those who promote 5G-coronavirus theories based on weak evidence undermine the credibility of scientists and medical doctors who have expressed concerns about 5G safety based on strong evidence (e.g., the 5G Appeal). Moreover, during this public health crisis, the Telecom industry can exploit these actions to convince mainstream news media to publish industry propaganda that 5G is safe.Following are some recent examples from the US, UK, and Europe of blowback in the mainstream news media regarding 5G-coronavirus theories:…SNIP

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