• 25 JAN 20

    The Road to Driverless Hell is Paved with Good Deceptions

    One of the prime reasons why 5G is being promoted is that it is claimed that the fast 5G millimeter frequency data rates are necessary to enable the technology where autonomous vehicles unproblematically rule the roads and all those unreliable accident prone human drivers (that’s all of us!) will be finally taken off the roads once and for all time.

    Not necessarily so according to the Tom Lewis article “The Road to Driverless Hell is Paved with Good Deceptions”, published in The Daily Impact. Some good links too! Recommended reading!


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    • 24 JAN 20

    New ICNIRP Guidelines… nothing really new… just the same stonewalling…

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski:
    Excerpt: New ICNIRP Guidelines will be published, any moment now, in the Health Physics journal. However, for already several months it is known what these new ICNIRP Guidelines will be…Interestingly and importantly, ICNIRP dismisses completely:existence and significance of non-thermal effects, the existence of the risk of cancer in long term avid users of mobile phones, and IARC’s classification of RF as a possible human carcinogen (IARC review of science was not included in list of science reviews used by ICNIRP in preparation of the new guidelines)

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    • 21 JAN 20

    Honey bees absorb more cell phone radiation at 5G mid-band and high-band frequencies

    So far over 10 million hectares of Australian land has been burnt to the ground with rough estimates of over 0ne billion animals destroyed, including thousands of koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, birds and other iconic Australian wildlife – and its still early in the bush fire season. As for pollinators such as the honey bee, according to Australian Honey Bee Industry Council chairman Peter McDonald, up to 2000 hives had been lost in NSW and up to 1000 in Queensland, but the true cost of the bushfires would be the effect on beehive health due to the loss of natural forest habitat. … “The bees feed in the forests, where they source pollen for breeding. It will take some time for honey bee populations to recover in burnt areas.” And now the bees and all other insects may well have to contend another threat in areas where the rollout of 5G transmitters are planned. And with 5G planned for space giving blanket coverage to much of the planet, what will be the effects on insects? Perhaps the following research is a dire warning…. SNIP

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    • 06 JAN 20

    Australia Fires And Technology’s Climate Vampire: Why The Environmental Impact Of 5G Expansion Could Be Massive

    By Dr. Devra Davis

    The ravaging fires of Australia’s drought-riddled bush provide a global warning. Amidst the largest mass evacuation in its history with no relief in sight, thousands of Australians are now forced to shelter-in-place, while others are crammed into seashores where they await rescue by naval ships. Their only hope is to wait till much-needed rains quench the extraordinary raging blazes erupting amidst the hottest and driest year on record. Uncontrolled burning of coal and other fossil fuels has left the past decade the warmest in modern recorded history, scorching an area down under that is larger than the size of Denmark, and rendering the air of Canberra the worst in the world. Millions are at the mercy of searing temperatures and wicked winds. Ecologists estimate half a billion animals have been killed since the bushfires started in September. Sadly, much of this was predicted by United Nations experts of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in which I was honored to participate. In 1997, I presented an analysis showing that airborne coal soot from fossil fuels globally would result in 700,000 avoidable deaths every single year and the death toll would rise to about 8 million by 2020. However, that study never imagined the devastating and heartbreaking impact of fires like now sweeping through Australia….SNIP

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    • 02 JAN 20

    5G underwhelms in its first big test in South Korea

    Excerpt: On December 27 2019 An opinion piece was published by the Canberra Times by Paul Fletcher, the federal Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts. In his opinion piece, he assures the readers that “Australians can trust in safety of 5G network” and goes on to enthusiastically describe the many claims made by the promoters of 5G. However, before unquestionably spruiking the industry line, Fletcher should consider the problems encountered in the South Korea 5G rollout. He should also read the well over 400 submissions to the recent government 5G inquiry, the majority of which point out unintended consequences of 5G. But I suppose, for the federal government, soon to auction off parts of the 5G spectrum and rake in many $ millions for the treasury, knowing too much is not what Fletcher and his government really wants to know.

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    • 31 DEC 19

    Video of Leszczynski lecture in Nelson, New Zealand

    December 27, 2019
    A video of Dariusz Leszczynski’s 5G lecture in Nelson, New Zealand as well as slides of all of his 4 NZ lectures and interviews are now available on his BRHP blog website. Links to slides of his 4 lectures in New Zealand (Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Nelson) can be found from these links (each lecture was slightly different):… SNIP

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    • 25 DEC 19

    Moratorium on 5G: American Scientists, Doctors and Healthcare Practitioners’ Letter to President Trump

    Experts are urging for reductions in exposure to protect human health and the environment. From the Environmental Health Trust and published in Global Research. A broad coalition of scientists, doctors and advocates sent a National 5G Resolution letter to President Trump demanding a moratorium on 5G until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from the telecom industry. The 5G Resolution was developed during the first three-day US medical conference fully dedicated to this topic, Electromagnetic Fields Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment, which convened in Scotts Valley, California in September. The letter references the published scientific studies demonstrating harm to human health, bees trees and the environment from current wireless technology and posits that 5G will both increase exposure and add in new technology never safety tested for long-term exposure…SNIP

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    • 17 DEC 19

    The Australian government’s $9 Million 5G disinformation spin campaign begins

    It had to happen after all those anti-5G community protests. After comments from various industry groups to the recent government’s 5G inquiry over industry concerns about community opposition interfering with the rollout of 5G technology, the government has taken up their concerns. The Morrison government’s solution is a $9 million public relations misinformation campaign designed to convince the Australian public that 5G is safe after all – so that they can”feel empowered” and take up the technology and become happy consumers of all the wonders that 5G promises. It has been estimated 5G and the associated Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous vehicles represents a $17 trillion windfall to the various industries pushing for 5G. Never mind the concerns over huge uncertainties and possible hazards, such as expressed by Dariusz Leszczynski and many others, its really just all about the money and to hell with pubic health. So here comes the government’s smoke & mirror circus assisted by the clowns at ARPANSA. and ACEBR. NOTE: For an interesting aside see the link on Prime Minister Scott Morrison and how his bizarre religious beliefs influence his politics.. .read on.

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    • 09 DEC 19

    ARPANSA claims 5G is safe by referring to bogus provocation studies.

    ARPANSA is scraping the botton of its scientific credibility barrel in its latest claims that 5G is safe by dredging up a double blind provocation study (from ACEBR) which found no evidence that exposure to electromagnetic fields was a cause of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). In the best of Hogwarts’ School of Wizardly, ARPANSA manages a

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    • 07 DEC 19

    Open Season on 5G Critics First NY Times, Now Scientific American

    From Microwave News

    December 6, 2019
    Excerpt: Simply saying that more health research is needed on 5G –the latest generation of cell phone technology– can be hazardous to your reputation.Last May, the New York Times tried to take down David Carpenter, a public health physician and the country’s most prominent 5G critic. Veteran science writer William Broad painted Carpenter as a willing tool of a disinformation campaign promoted by RT America, a TV network which he described as “the cat’s paw of Russian president, Vladimir Putin.” The page-one story ran under the headline, “Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You But Russia Wants You To Think Otherwise.”Two months later, on July 16, Broad was back for another hit on Carpenter. This time, he was given most of the front page of the Times’ Tuesday science section, to portray Carpenter as a fringe player working “hard to revise established science.”Much of what Broad wrote was fiction. (See “A Fact-Free Hit on a 5G Critic.”)Now Scientific American has ambushed Joel Moskowitz, one of the few other academics willing to state the obvious: No one knows whether 5G is safe…. SNIP

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    • 04 DEC 19

    November 5G posts by Dariusz Leszczynski including his New Zealand tour

    1) Leszczynski: 5G presentation at the Auckland University Posted on November 19, 2019. Here are slides of my lecture on November 2019 at the Auckland University, Nov. 19, 2019. Titled: 5G AND HEALTH –IS IT SAFE? WHAT THE SCIENCE TELLS US

    2)Asking the right questions: Guest Blog from Julius Gorm Graakjær Grantzau, former member of The Danish Parliament Posted on November 23, 2019 Excerpt: Below is the next in a series of Guest Blogs on BRHP. The opinions expressed in this Guest Blog are of Julius Gorm Graakjær Grantzau himself. Publication of these opinions in BRHP does not imply that BRHP automatically agrees with or endorses these opinions. Publication of this, and other guest blogs, facilitates an open debate and free exchange of opinions on wireless technology and health.

    3) presentation at the Victoria University in Wellington: Here are slides of my lecture at the Rutherford House Lecture Theatre, Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington, Nov. 27, 2019. In my lectures, I am presenting science with all its limitations. I am trying to educate listeners that not every peer-reviewed study is a good quality study. That the design of the study may, and will, pre-determine the outcome of the study. Also, I am often pointing out that not every study is useful, or of value, for determining human health policies.However, I found it interesting that there are listeners, who come to me after lectures, and complain that my opinions are not good ones because some other scientist(s) think differently and claim that there is plenty of studies proving health harm. Hence, in the listener’s opinion, my opinions, claiming lack of sufficient evidence to prove health harm due to exposures to wireless radiation, are incorrect.However, when I ask these listeners what education and expertise they have to scientifically judge which of the expert opinions is the correct one, they are often offended.But this is a simple fact life. How, non-scientist with no education in this area of research, can decide which scientific expert opinion is correct? It seems that the only way the non-scientists make judgement is based on whether scientist’s opinion fits/agrees with their existing already belief what the heath hazard is, instead of listening with the open mind.

    And there’s more…

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    • 24 NOV 19

    City of Sydney’s submission to the government’s 5G inquiry: Sacrifice trees for network performance and overwhelming numbers of small cells…

    In stark contrast to the ACEBR/Vodafone/Telstra submissions (see last message) the city of Sydney has expressed very valid concerns over the introduction of 5G in the city. To quote in part from submission #310 from Sydney: “We know, for example that 5G millimetre wave radio spectrum is adversely affected by trees and that other physical assets and this adds a critical reason to collaboratively decide on cell heights and locations. We will not be willing to sacrifice trees in favour of network performance. Similarly, we need to consider the aesthetic and physical impacts of a potentially large volume of physical infrastructure which is located based on network performance only. We must find sustainable ways to advance the use of technology and we can do this only if we are an active part of the decision-making process within our city”…SNIP

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    • 19 NOV 19

    Lies, Damn Lies and the Australian 5G inquiry

    Following on from the last message on the Australian 5G inquiry here are some submission quotes which clearly illustrate a willful maintenance of a state of scientific ignorance and outright lies, based on Procrustean Approach principles. The first is from ACEBR and then from Vodafone. SNIP….

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    • 13 NOV 19

    Recent 5G information resources

    1) On 13 September 2019 the Australian Minister for Communications, Hon Paul Fletcher MP asked the Committee to inquire into and report on the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia. At the end of the time for submissions, Nov. 1, 2019, 172 submissions had been received and all are available on their website: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House/Communications/5G/Submissions

    2) The UK EM Radiation Research Trust held an International conference in London on 28th September, 2019 with doctors and scientific experts from around the world discussing the facts regarding 5G. The presentations are available to download on the Radiation Research Trust website: https://www.radiationresearch.org/campaigns/september-28th-conference-presentations/

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    • 12 NOV 19

    DigiKids: A special report by ABC’s Four Corners program on how the digital age affects children and their learning

    Excerpt from the ABC Four Corners page: Why too many young Australians are struggling with literacy in the digital age.“You see kids fall through the cracks. You see things get worse. And it’s really difficult as a teacher because you want to help everybody.” There’s no more precious resource in Australia than our children. Equipping them with the reading and writing skills to face the future is vital, not only for their own success but for the nation’s prosperity.“Literacy now is more important than ever. If you go back 50 years…if you didn’t have literacy and numeracy levels, you could still get a job. You could still support a family with that job….That era has now gone.” Alarmingly, a number of test results and international benchmarks indicate some of our children are slipping behind in the key area of literacy. “Vocabulary has definitely decreased, and spelling is quite atrocious – small, simple words are really misspelt.” On Monday, Four Corners examines the way reading and writing is being taught in our schools to find out what is going wrong.“We have a situation now where schools basically get to choose their own adventure with respect to how they go about the important business, life-changing business, of teaching children how to read.” Academic Teachers say they’re seeing children struggle with the study of English well beyond the first year of school.”Writing’s a real worry. The results have been steadily getting worse – both for boys and for girls – boys are much worse than girls. But the average student is working about 12 months below where they used to be a decade earlier.” SNIP

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    • 07 NOV 19

    Leszczynski: Lecture Tour of New Zealand

    Excerpt: Posted on November 6, 2019. The ongoing deployment of the 5th generation of the wireless communication technology (5G) is being met with a great enthusiasm by the telecommunication industry and national governments and the majority of the general public. However, there is also resistance from the part of the population in various locations around the globe. The opposition towards deployment of the 5G is caused by the uncertainty whether radiation emitted by the 5G networks and devices will have any effects on human health and environmental impact on fauna and flora. This November, I will be lecturing for the first time in New Zealand. In my lectures I will present the current scientific knowledge as well as the current lack of scientific research on the biological and health effects of the 5G millimeter-waves. I will also present the evidence, and the reasoning, for the invocation of the Precautionary Principle and for the temporary moratorium on 5G deployment, while awaiting for the much needed scientific research on millimeter-waves…SNIP

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    • 05 NOV 19

    Will WHO Kick Its ICNIRP Habit? (Microwave news)

    From Microwave News:Non-Thermal Effects Hang in the Balance: Repacholi’s Legacy of Industry Cronyism……After eight years of work, the World Health Organization (WHO) is reopening its review of the health effects of RF radiation for a summary report intended to serve as a benchmark for its more than 150 member countries. The move might suggest that the WHO EMF/RF program is poised to reassess its long-held policy of rejecting non-thermal effects, and to loosen its deep ties to ICNIRP, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation with its heat-only dogma.The reputation of both organizations has never recovered from the rampant industry cronyism of Mike Repacholi, who created them in the 1990s. A close look at the WHO radiation program and its approach to this new review show that not much has changed in Geneva. In other words: Don’t count ICNIRP out just yet….SNIP

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    • 04 NOV 19

    Danish legal opinion concludes 5G contravenes human and environmental laws

    Posted on November 4, 2019 by Stop Smart Meters Australia Attorney-at-law Christian Jensen, of Bonnor Lawyers in Denmark, examined potential health damages and risks of 5G in relation to human rights and environmental conventions.The legal opinion is centred around results that have positively documented actual damages or risks to humans, animals and plants. Jensen points out that this research is “inherently of much greater significance than examinations which have been incapable of identifying a damage or risk thereof, since the latter group does not in itself exclude the possibility that there exist real damage or risks”.He explains that “If it has on one occasion defensibly been scientifically proven that there is a damaging effect or risk of damage, then the fact that ten other defensible trials did not show such an effect or risk is irrelevant. It is then merely up to the scientific community to clarify why the ten defensible trials did not show what is scientifically proven, in order to better understand why and how the damages occur or could occur”.In his final remarks, on page 64 of the 75-page document, Jensen states that:“It is the conclusion of this legal opinion that establishing and activating a 5G-network, as it is currently described, would be in contravention of current human and environmental laws enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, EU regulations, and the Bern- and Bonn-conventions….SNIP

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    • 22 OCT 19

    The Dangerous Push For More Technology In Schools

    From the International Business Times By Dr. Devra Davis from the Environmental Health Trust 10/19/19 AT 1:33 PM A legacy of President Lyndon Johnson”s Great Society, Title 1 schools, are located in some of the poorest neighborhoods in this nation. More than half of all schools in America are eligible for special funding to enhance

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    • 22 OCT 19

    The forthcoming ‘Science and Wireless 2019’


    Notice from Dariusz Leszczynski:For those interested, and being in Melbourne area on December, 2nd, 2019, this year’s Science and Wireless event will take place at the Swinburne University of Technology. Here is the first announcement from the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR) (red font emphasis added DL):Science and Wireless 2019Technical Lecture: ICNIRP GUIDELINESPublic Forum: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT 5GThe Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research welcomes you to this year’s Science and WirelessHear from world experts on the new 5th generation of mobile communication technology (5G), as well as the new ICNIRP guidelines on limiting electromagnetic fields…SNIP

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