The Green Dilemma of 5G Densification (The TImes of Israel)
Excerpt: As a physicist, my job involves a lot of reading. Mainly articles that turn on an obscure point in an obscure field that interests me, the author and maybe one other person – and he’s a physicist too. Occasionally, one comes across an article that should interest Joe Public, but it is written in such a way that Joe would doze off well before he got to the punch line! So on my desk landed an article with an impressive title, “Radiation Analysis in a Gradual 5G Network Deployment Strategy” [1]. And this is a doozy! Even better for me it is written by two Professors from the American University in Beirut, Lebanon, Ahmad El Hajj and Tarek Naous, researchers who could not normally cooperate with an Israeli. Geopolitics divides science too…..
In this article they took a hard look at 5G Densification. “Densification” refers to the placement of many more antennas for 5G in the urban environment than we have today, in effect making the network of mobile base stations more dense…SNIP
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