• 26 FEB 14

    Microwave News: Why Nothing Ever Changes

    Regular readers of Microwave News are aware
    of our common complaint that nothing ever changes.

    We decided take a close look at why and how this
    happens. Here we focus on what we thought would
    be a “breakthrough” research paper. Yet, this was
    another dead end.

    See how industry stacks the deck with a helping hand from the anti-EMF establishment.

    Read our latest post at

    Louis Slesin

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    • 16 FEB 14


    From Blake Levitt on the cheemf list:

    The piece below is long but an excellent read. The telecom and now smart grid industries, IEEE, EPRI, COMAR, and others use most of these same tactics. Researcher Jerry Phillips described Motorola’s intentional delaying of his research results in the film Full Signal; they used “product defense” groups like Exponent to influence state agencies considering smart grid legislation in Maine and elsewhere; plant review “papers” in states like Texas and Washington under bogus authors; “buy” domain names to guarantee that their contrived “sound science” pages come up whenever a search is done on BioInitiative or specific people like me and Henry Lai; make false test “replications” by changing test parameters to confuse outcomes and therefore contaminate the database; maintain databases on “friendly” journalists to plant stories and personally profile unfriendly journalists and scientists, etc. etc. Jim Tozzi is mentioned below — he worked with George Carlo and CTIA on discrediting Henry’s work. Bogus risk analysis is applied to federal regulation and the industry controls the lit reviews considered by agencies like FDA, FCC, DoE, EPA. It’s the exact same playbook as below and what is described in David Michaels’ “Doubt is Their Product.”


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    • 12 FEB 14

    Here we go again: “New” MTHR report claims no health effects from cell phones, etc.

    Whenever I occasionally see a newspaper headline proclaiming new research has found that mobile phones are perfectly safe for everybody my first thought is: is it industry funded and secondly, who is evaluating the research.

    Well, its just happened again. On February 11, 2014 the New Zealand Herald published an article titled Cellphone cancer fear quashed, announcing the release of a ‘new’ report titled Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme, MTHR Report 2012 released by the British Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) group. This report gives the findings of 31 individual research projects, funded by the telecommunications industry and UK government over 11 years.

    The NZ Herald article painted a glowing picture of unproblematic scientific certainty with statements, such as: A new international study appears to have put to rest the question over whether cellphones cause cancer – they don’t . The newspaper article also stated, under a photo of a young woman using a cellphone, that You can rest easy using your cell phone as cancer fears are quashed by experts.



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    • 07 FEB 14

    Video on cell phone radiation and institutional corruption

    Harvard Law School: At Center for Ethics event, cell phone radiation and
    institutional corruption addressed (video)

    Note that this news item and video may be available for a limited time.

    On Nov. 3, Dr. Franz Adlkofer, former executive director of the VERUM Foundation for Behavior and Environment, spoke to a Harvard Law School audience as part of the lectures and events series hosted by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics. In his lecture, “Protection Against Radiation is in Conflict with Science,” Adlkofer discussed the difficulties he and other scientists face when presenting research on the carcinogenic effects of electromagnetic fields emanating from cell phones. He also discussed the institutional corruption which he says obstructs their research.

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    • 31 JAN 14

    Censorship of science at STUK/Finland – Ministry does not care…

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski:


    The last day of 2013 was my last day of work at STUK – Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Helsinki, Finland. I came to STUK nearly 22 years ago, in February 1992 to work on a research grant. Soon, I was transferred to be employee of STUK and I climbed ladder of scientific career starting with scientist, then senior scientist, then project leader and finally in 2000 I become Research Professor. I was in top salary group of STUK employees that was established few years ago to prevent drainage of experts from STUK to industry. The group was set for persons without whom STUK would be unable to perform it duties. I was one of them…

    Effects of cell phone radiation on health is a very controversial topic, both scientifically and “politically”. I got involved in it in 1997 not from my own free will but because the job was given to me by my bosses. Starting from scratch, with no experience in EMF area, thanks to hard work of my research group we brought STUK cell phone research to international prominence.

    However, there were “political” problems. First and foremost there was problem with ICNIRP.


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    • 31 JAN 14

    Will corporations gain the right to control what we all see on the Internet?

    From AVAAZ on Internet freedom . Get it back or lose it!

    The US and the EU are on the verge of giving rich corporations the right to control what we all see on the Internet. But free speech advocates and web companies are fighting back. The richest 1% could now control what we all see on the Internet forever. It’s the apocalypse of the Internet as we know it, and will erase the democratic promise of an information highway for everyone the founders of the world wide web imagined.

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    • 30 JAN 14

    Politically Correct Science for the Masses

    ISIS Report 27/01/14
    Science for Democracy
    Politically Correct Science for the Masses (Excerpts)

    Real democracy does not just mean the right to vote. People must also have
    access to the information they need to make an informed choice; that’s why
    scientists must be free to tell the truth and express their views
    accordingly on scientific issues. … Prof Peter Saunders

    If a policy can be claimed to be based on science, it acquires a privileged
    status. Anyone who disagrees is treated like the crank who claims to have
    designed a perpetual motion machine.

    Hence, to accept that there are legitimate doubts about the science is much
    harder than to acknowledge that some reputable economists disagree with the
    direction of government policy.

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    • 29 JAN 14

    Vital research that needs to be done… but not by the Victorian government’s spin doctors.

    See my latest submission that mentions the type of research that needs to be done in order to determine the extent of health hazards that may exist with smart meters. Unfortunately we will not see this with the Victorian Energy Minister’s proposal (last message) which I will be following with extreme interest.

    An incomplete Benefit-Cost analysis and the urgent need for research
    Comments on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ document no. D.P.U. 12-76-A.
    Investigation by the Department of Public Utilities on its own Motion into
    Modernization of the Electric Grid, December 23, 2013

    Download the report here

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    • 29 JAN 14

    Victorian Energy Minister to commission a “safety audit” to “show once and for all that smart meters are safe”

    Watch the almighty spin on this one! Note that the supposed safety audit is being done “to and show once and for all that smart meters are safe”. So, the ‘brief’ given to the supposed independent third party is set. Show that they are safe. FULL STOP. This is how science works in Victoria nowadays. Who can safely be relied upon to do this objective research for the government? Why not ACEBR or the Bioelectromagnetics group at Swinbourne University, both with a proven track record, assisted by Telstra of course.


    From Stop Smart Meters Australia:

    3AW News Talk radio

    Minister signals energy overhaul
    Posted by: 3AW Radio | 29 January, 2014 – 12:24 PM

    Nick Kotsiras, Victoria’s Energy Minister, is making sweeping changes to the billing system that will likely spark some tension with the power industry. He also told Neil Mitchell that he plans to commission a top-to-bottom, independent safety audit to determine whether smart meters pose any health risks to the public. …. “I think the best way forward is to get a third party to do the audit and show once and for all that smart meters are safe.”

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    • 19 JAN 14

    Conflict of interest with head of French epidemiology and public health institute

    Asbestos victims denounce major conflicts of interest of scientist named to head France’s leading institute of epidemiology and public health

    Thu, Jan 16, 2014

    Kathleen Ruff, RightOnCanada.ca

    In a letter released today, France’s National Association of Asbestos Victims (ANDEVA) demands that the nomination of Paolo Boffetta as head of France’s top institute of epidemiology and public health be rejected.

    “The candidacy of Dr. Boffetta is seriously flawed by major conflicts of interest which are totally incompatible with leadership of France’s most important institute of epidemiology,” says ANDEVA in its letter to France’s National Institute for Health & Medical Research and the University of Paris-Sud. The letter was also sent to the France’s Minister of Health and Minister of Research.

    Presently, Dr. Boffetta is the only scientist being considered for the post, which will be filled in 2014.

    ANDEVA points to Boffetta’s role as a major share-holder and Vice President of a consulting company, nicely called the International Prevention Research Institute (IPRI). “IPRI produces and sells expertise or ‘scientific’ articles to industries on health issues and health risks,” states ANDEVA.


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    • 16 JAN 14

    The Real Consequences of Corporatism, “Smart” Grid and Corrupt Government

    By Josh del Sol, Producer & Director, Take Back Your Power
    14 January 2014


    The Real Consequences of Corporatism, “Smart” Grid and Corrupt GovernmentAt the federal level, the illusion of representative government is now over. With a few exceptions, for-profit interests have colonized government systems that were originally intended to serve people. The danger of allowing this virus to continue, of course, is that the casualty always eventually becomes life itself. Like any virus. Reuters interviewed one veteran Washington telecom insider, who spoke anonymously: “All of the senators in the Commerce Committee know Tom as a lobbyist who funnels funds to them, not as a stand-up guy from a regulatory agency who is able to take heat.” Wheeler’s career has been dedicated to obsessively expanding the telecom industry to what it is now: an uncontrollable behemoth in league with the NSA and its ilk. And a facade which intentionally suppresses an avalanche of scientific evidence for the harm it is causing. Presented to you is Exhibit A: chief telecom industry lobbyist Tom Wheeler now chairs the FCC. This is yet another FDA-Monsanto-esque revolving door of corruption, which sidelines the rights and safety of an entire nation.


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    • 14 JAN 14

    Silence of the Labs by the Fifth Estate

    From Robert Reidlinger

    Silence of the Labs


    Science and Scientists decimated by a transformation in political priorities, obliteratingn yers of talent and experience.

    This is the story of the bitter conflict between ideology and knowledge. What can happen when factual discoveries raise inconvenient questions for politicioans. It is a conflict that has transformed environmental law in Canada and shaken the foundations of public institutions and has damaged the reputation of Canade amongst scientists and scholars around the world.


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    • 15 DEC 13

    Something Is Rotten in Denmark

    From Microwave News,

    Just over a year ago, the Danish Cancer Society issued a
    news advisory with some alarming news: The number of
    men diagnosed with glioblastoma, the most malignant type
    of brain cancer, had doubled over the last ten years.
    The release stated that this was a “frightening development.”

    After that, there was silence. No one talked about it.
    Today, we still cannot get any clarification from the
    Danish Cancer Society.

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    • 11 DEC 13

    New documentary: “Microwaves, Science and Lies”

    From: Nancy de Meritens

    Hi readers

    The documentary “Microwaves, Science and Lies”, shows how the mobile industry creates doubt about harmful radiofrequency waves through the manipulation of science. Through interviews with several whistleblowers, including citizens, journalists, and scientists, this film reveals how, like the tobacco industry, the lobby of the mobile phone industry has built a strategy of “product defense” by artificially creating a scientific doubt about the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves.
    This documentary as been produced with personnal financing and took more than two years to be completed. Now we are launching a fundraising campaign to finance an English version (with voice over, and English commentary) to distribute the movie worldwide.

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    • 08 DEC 13

    The main force behind the push for a global smart grid: Maintaining corporate market share

    In a just released paper by Prof. Damien Ernst from the University of Liege (December 2013) he argues that the the main force behind the creation of a global electricity grid is to be able to incorporate renewable energy thereby lessening our reliance on fossil fuels. Among other things, Ernst sees the transition towards a global grid as an inevitability but that the globalisation of the electricity commodity will give rise to serious challenges to national power industries. Ernst concludes with the warning that countries relying too much on the global grid for their electricity supply may experience very adverse effects.

    Ernst may be right in the original concept for a need for a global electricity grid: incorporating renewable energy sources, but I would argue that the overriding global push for the smart grid (Ernst doesn’t mention the smart grid – but it would likely be an integral part of his envisioned global grid) has little to do with renewable energy or ‘sustainability’ but all to do with corporations seizing the opportunity to improve their market share (and profits). This is achieved by endlessly creating and marketing new smart appliances / gadgets – and then convincing the consuming public that they really do need all these wondrous things.

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    • 07 DEC 13

    Scientists pledge to boycott Elsevier

    ISIS – Institute of Science in Society

    5th December 2013

    Following the retraction of the Seralini et al scientific paper which found health damage to rats fed on GM corn, over 100 scientists have pledged in this Open Letter to boycott Elsevier, publisher of the Journal responsible.

    To: Wallace Hayes, Editor in Chief, Food and Chemical Toxicology; Elsevier

    Re: “Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize”, by G E Séralini et al, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology 2012, 50(11), 4221-31.

    Your decision to retract the paper is in clear violation of the international ethical norms as laid down by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), of which FCT is a member. According to COPE, the only grounds for retraction are clear evidence that the findings are unreliable due to misconduct or honest error,plagiarism or redundant publication, or unethical research.

    You have already acknowledged that the paper of Séralini et al (2012) contains none of those faults.

    This arbitrary, groundless retraction of a published, thoroughly peer-reviewed paper is without precedent in the history of scientific publishing, and raises grave concerns over the integrity and impartiality of science. These concerns are heightened by a sequence of events surrounding the retraction:

    * the appointment of ex-Monsanto employee Richard Goodman to the newly created post of associate editor for biotechnology at FCT
    * the retraction of another study finding potentially harmful effects from GMOs (which almost immediately appeared in another journal)
    * the failure to retract a paper published by Monsanto scientists in the same journal in 2004, for which a gross error has been identified.

    The retraction is erasing from the public record results that are potentially of very great importance for public health. It is censorship of scientific research, knowledge, and understanding, an abuse of science striking at the very heart of science and democracy, and science for the public good.

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    • 05 DEC 13

    Australia vs Big Tobacco: The Trans-Pacific Partnership

    From Oliver MacColl – Avaaz.org

    Dear friends across Australia,

    Australia has the strongest anti-smoking laws in the world. They’re so successful that other countries want to do the same. But Big Tobacco isn’t happy about this — and the Australian government is about to agree to a deal that lets them trample all over us whenever they want.

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a US-driven trade pact that that could let companies sue us to get rid of whichever of our hard-fought protections they don’t like. The whole deal is being negotiated in secret, and this weekend Trade Minister Robb is set to agree to rules none of us had a say in.

    But opposition is building in Australia and other countries. The ALP and The Greens have just joined together to demand transparency. Abbott’s team is on the ropes from the Indonesian spying scandal, let’s use this crucial opportunity to stall the talks and stand up for our health…


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    • 02 DEC 13

    The Energy Networks Association to publish a web-based brochure on the smart meter health controversy

    On November 12th just before my trip to New Zealand I send out a post saying that I would be unable to attend the ACEBR Science & Wireless 2013 seminar in Melbourne on November 27
    I noted the smart meter presentation to be given at the ACEBR event by Richard Hoy, representing the Energy Networks Association (ENA) and wondered if the ENA presentation would address the smart meter health effects issue.

    According to several people who attended the event, Mr. Hoy mentioned a number of places that now have smart meter opt outs “with hindsight” and that sometimes consumers had to pay extra for this. As for health effects a variety of statements were made such as “basically everybody is pretty much in agreement” that there are no effects, and that there is “no scientific basis” for electrosensitivity (EHS), whilst mentioning provocation studies. Mr. Hoy did mention at the end of his presentation however, that “some research could be worthwhile”.

    Apparently Hoy’s big announcement was that ENA is formalizing a web-based brochure on smart meters and their possible health effects.

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    • 31 OCT 13

    Did the Newly Appointed FCC Chair Subvert Research Showing Harm From Cell Phone Radiation?

    From Joel M. Moskowitz

    The Senate just confirmed Tom Wheeler’s nomination to be the next chair of the Federal Communications Commission. Hence, my press release from May 28th of this year about Mr. Wheeler has greater import now.

    The press release cites allegations of misbehavior made by a major wireless industry publication about Mr. Wheeler when he was president of the industry association, the CTIA, from 1992 to 2004. More specifically, it alleged that he suppressed and biased the research from the nation’s largest mobile phone health research project.

    The appointment of Mr. Wheeler at this time is particularly troubling because the FCC is under pressure from the industry to change the cell phone radiation limits in the U.S. to the international limits which provide less protection to cell phone users. However, the toxicologic and epidemiologic research now strongly suggests that the current radiation limits are inadequate and must be strengthened, not weakened.


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    • 30 OCT 13

    Does Swinburne University have a conflict of interest in smart meter sleep reserarch?

    It is perhaps inevitable that sooner or later some of that $5 million set aside for RF research in Australia will be used to investigate the alleged health problems now being widely reported by people after a smart meter was installed on their homes, especially when it is near a bedroom.

    I have previously questioned on this list the suitability of ACRBR to do this research. But what about the Bioelectromagnetics Research Group, part of Swinbourne University’s Brain and Psychological Sciences Research Centre? They certainly have the expertise and facilities to do such research.

    If such research was undertaken and an adverse effect on sleep quality is found and replicated, the implications would be profound and the very possibility of such findings would be seen as a definite threat to the multi-$$$ billion global development of the smart grid and all that it entails. Perhaps this is the real reason why this research has not yet been done.

    It states on the Brain and Psychological Sciences Research Centre: “Our research staff are actively involved in teaching and engaged with industry and the community”. Therefore, what would happen if the interests of the community and industry collide, which may be the case with smart meter sleep research?

    Does Swinbourne University have a vested interest in smart energy technology that could bias its research outcomes?

    Read on……..

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