• 15 JUL 14

    Desert Rose and the Story of Stray Currents

    From Truthout
    Monday, 14 July 2014 10:05 By Daniel Ross, Truthout | Report


    When Kathy Seacrist looks back over the past eight or so years, 2007 marked the beginning of a long nightmare. It was the year that her son, John McDonald, 37 at the time, started suffering from seizures.

    “John was so healthy. Ate healthy. Everything. He was really buff. All my girlfriends fancied him,” she said. McDonald, his daughter Malia, and Seacrist all lived together at her home in Desert Rose, a subsidized housing community in Palm Desert, California.

    In 2009, Seacrist’s own health began to deteriorate rapidly. “It started with terrible sinus infections and got progressively worse. I had slurred speech, my hands couldn’t stop shaking,” she said. By 2010, Seacrist, naturally slight, almost birdlike, someone always proud of staying trim and fit, thought that she was on the brink of death. “I was down to 82 pounds. For a while, doctors thought that I had MS. I told my mom, ‘If it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go.’ ”


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    • 08 FEB 14

    Powerwatch Press release: British Journal Cancer PR spin is misleading

    Powerlines and risk of childhood leukaemia: British Journal Cancer PR spin is misleading

    In an embargoed Press release (to Fri.7th Feb 00:01 hrs) the BJC have a headline claiming “OVERHEAD POWERLINES DON’T RAISE LEUKAEMIA RISK IN CHILDREN”.
    Their important new paper by Bunch, et al 1, does not show this. The authors have analysed a great deal of data for all high-voltage powerlines of 132,000 volts (132 kV) and above. The main association of electrical power and incidence of child leukaemia (CL) has been the magnetic fields (EMFs) from all sources that are associated with our use of electricity. A recent large meta-analysis by Zhao, et al, 2 has confirmed an approximate doubling at 0.4 microteslas, as does the new EC SCENIHR draft report 3.

    An earlier paper by the same research centre (CCRG) by Draper, et al 4, showed an association of childhood leukaemia CL with proximity to 275 kV and 400 kV lines. The CCRG later reported that the EMFs had fallen off within 100 metres from the powerlines to levels below those produced by other electrical causes (including underground cables running under our pavements and house wiring)

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    • 27 FEB 13

    Exposure to Electricity May Increase Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease and ALS

    PRLog (Press Release) – Feb. 25, 2013 – A review of 42 studies of occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields (MF) and neurodegenerative diseases found “moderately increased risk” for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

    Although little evidence was found for other neurodegenerative diseases including dementia and multiple sclerosis, few studies had been conducted on these diseases.

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    • 03 AUG 12

    NIOSH recommends measures to reduce EMF exposures

    From George Parker: Multiple Chemical and Electromagnetic Sensitivities Information provided by Wendy Taormina-Weiss – Published: 2012-07-12 Excerpt: The presence of cell phones and towers, computers, portable phones, unshielded wiring and transformers, fluorescent lighting, wireless devices, microwave ovens, scanning and security equipment, electric stoves, and many other electrical appliances can make building inaccessible to people who

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    • 28 JUL 12

    Prenatal EMF Exposures Can Lead to Childhood Obesity

    From Microwave News: De-Kun Li, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California, has a new paper out showing that EMF exposures in the womb are linked to an increased risk of childhood obesity. “Maternal exposure to high [magnetic fields] during pregnancy may be a new and previously unknown factor contributing to the world-wide epidemic

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    • 11 JUL 12

    Interesting new paper: Magnetic characterization of isolated candidate vertebrate magnetoreceptor cells

    Stephan H.K. Edera, Hervé Cadioub, Airina Muhamadb, Peter A. McNaughtonb, Joseph L. Kirschvinkc, and Michael Winklhofera, Edited by Dennis Kent, Rutgers University/LDEO, Palisades, NY, and approved June 8, 2012 (received for review April 4, 2012) Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Abstract Over the past 50 y, behavioral experiments have

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    • 13 JUN 12

    Dutch govt. proposes buying out homes close to transmission lines

    http://www.nu.nl/politiek/2535761/verhagen-wil-gezinnen-hoogspanningskabel-uitkopen.html Google translation with a tidy up: Verhagen wants to buyout families under high voltage cables Last update: June 9, 2011 6:13 p.m. info AMSTERDAM – Maxime Verhagen, Minister (Economic Affairs) will soon be buying out 1300 households because they live to close to high voltage cables (transmission lines) and dangers public health, according to

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    • 24 JAN 12

    The American Academy of Environmental Medicine on smart meters

    From Cindy Sage: January 23, 2012 The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has adopted a resolution calling for a halt to wireless smart meters. The full text of the resolution is below. A hard copy on letterhead may be obtained soon on the AAEM website at www.aaemonline.org. This represents the first national physician’s group to

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    • 24 JAN 12

    Study of human neurovegetative and hematologic effects of environmental low-frequency (50-Hz) electromagnetic fields produced by transformers

    From André Fauteux: Arch Environ Health. 1998 Mar-Apr;53(2):87-92. Study of human neurovegetative and hematologic effects of environmental low-frequency (50-Hz) electromagnetic fields produced by transformers. Bonhomme-Faivre L, Marion S, Bezie Y, Auclair H, Fredj G, Hommeau C. Source Service de Pharmacie, Hôpital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, France. Abstract A survey of neurovegetative and hematologic disorders was conducted

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    • 08 AUG 11

    More on the De-Kun Li paper

    In the previous message Cindy Sage responds to the criticisms of Professor William Stewart. NOTE that this is NOT Sir William Stewart head the IEGMP Stewart Report on mobile phones. The Professor Will Stewart referred to in the Sage article, and who was the expert criticizing the De-Kun study linking magnetic field exposure to asthma

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    • 05 AUG 11

    Sage Associates’ comments on the De-Kun Li paper (previous message)

    From Cindy sage: Critics of the Li paper on maternal EMF exposures and childhood asthma are quick to dismiss possible consequences of this important new study. One example is the comment of Prof. William Stewart in the UK. We draw his attention to the following published studies. “Prof William Stewart, Visiting Professor at University of

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    • 03 AUG 11

    Microwave News: EMF Exposure During Pregnancy Raises Risk of Asthma in Offspring

    From Microwave News: It’s not just childhood leukemia anymore. An average exposure of only 2 mG during pregnancy leads to a significant increase in the risk of the child developing asthma. That’s the finding of a new study from Kaiser Permanente published today. Recently, everybody has been clamoring for prospective epidemiological studies. Now De-Kun Li,

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    • 08 JUL 11

    ARPANSA being investigated for “improper relationship” with nuclear agency

    So, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency is being investigated for being in a nice cozy relationship with the nuclear industry regulator (and promoter) that has endangered nuclear safety. No surprise to those who have been seeing ARPANSA being too close to other industry sectors. How about widening the investigation to include how

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    • 16 DEC 10

    1330: Sam Milham: An Appreciation

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News: Sam Milham, the noted epidemiologist, recently published a short autobiography under the title “Dirty Electricity.” We use the occasion to celebrate Sam’s contributions to public health that span half a century and investigate why his ideas have not gained wider acceptance. We encourage you to read “Sam Milham: An Appreciation”

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    • 16 NOV 10

    1322: More on ICNIRP and Power Line EMFs

    From Louis Slesin: The closer I look at the new EMF guidelines from ICNIRP, the more I am convinced that the deck is stacked against those who are interested in honest science. Please check out the latest “Short Take” on the Microwave News home page. Best, Louis __________________________________________________________ Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News A

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    • 13 NOV 10

    1318: See Microwave News’ “Short Takes”

    From Louis Slesin: We have recently added a new column to the Microwave News Web site. It’s called “Short Takes” and features brief news items. Short Takes begins on the right hand side of our Home Page, http://www.microwavenews.com. Among the recent posts are: — ICNIRP’s stunning rejection of precautionary policies for power-frequency EMFs; — An

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    • 25 OCT 10

    1306: Cource notes: Physical Health Hazards: Health Effects of Electromagnetism

    From Andre Fauteux: Physicist Paul Heroux of McGill University’s Medical School (in Montreal, Qc) tells me his very interesting course notes are public: Physical Health Hazards: Health Effects of Electromagnetism www.invitroplus.mcgill.ca/Ftp/ Click on the file “Toxicology Course Notes 2009.pdf” He has been recommending a 1 milligauss limit for a decade. He had adapted the Positron

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    • 25 JUL 10

    1285: Victorian Govt admits smart meters increase electricity bills

    It is interesting that while smart meters are being promoted as a way for consumers to save on their electrical usage it looks like the meters actually increase electricity prices, according to the state government of Victoria, Australia. Don Plug pulled on smart meter plan Link: http://www.egov.vic.gov.au/victorian-government-resources/government- initiatives-victoria/environment-victoria/energy-victoria/plug-pulled-on -smart-meter-plan.html Also see: The Age Plug pulled

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    • 24 JUL 10

    1283: New book on ‘dirty electricity’ by Sam Milham

    From Andre Fauteux, Publisher/Editor: When Thomas Edison began wiring New York City with a direct current electricity distribution system in the 1880s, he gave humankind the magic of electric light, heat, and power; in the process, though, he inadvertently opened a Pandora”s Box of unimaginable illness and death. Dirty Electricity tells the story of Dr.

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    • 07 APR 10

    #1237: French Agency for Environmental Health and Labour takes precautionary approach to transmission lines

    The French sanitary agency for health AFSSET press release (google translation) Link: http://www.lepoint.fr/actualites-sciences-sante/2010-04-06/ondes- electromagnetiques-afsset-pas-de-lignes-a-tres-haute-tension-pres- des-creches-ecoles/1055/0/441502 Posted on 06/04/2010 at 17:52 Afsset: no high-voltage lines near kindergartens, schools and hospitals By Anne Jeanblanc The risks associated with electromagnetic fields of transmission lines and high voltage can not be ruled © Atlantis Phototravel / Corbis The French

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