• 03 AUG 11
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    Microwave News: EMF Exposure During Pregnancy Raises Risk of Asthma in Offspring

    From Microwave News:

    It’s not just childhood leukemia anymore.

    An average exposure of only 2 mG during pregnancy
    leads to a significant increase in the risk of the child
    developing asthma. That’s the finding of a new
    study from Kaiser Permanente published today.

    Recently, everybody has been clamoring for prospective
    epidemiological studies. Now De-Kun Li, the project leader,
    has completed one. He tracked the kids for 13 years.

    What happens next? Will anyone pay attention?

    Read the full story at:


    Louis Slesin

    Louis Slesin, PhD
    Editor, Microwave News
    A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
    Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
    Mail: 155 East 77th Street, Suite 3D
    New York, NY 10075, U.S.A.

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