• 23 MAY 19
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    Watch out for Tesla’s autonomous cars and drunk drivers

    One of the prime reasons for the 5G rollout is its supposed ability to make autonomous vehicles a reality by removing the imperfect human element.Well, so far, Tesla’s efforts to create the perfect driverless car are not going so well, according to Consumer reports. It seems that Tesla’s Autopilot artificial intelligence is on a par with a drunk driver way over the limit….



    From Consumer Reports

    Tesla’s Navigate on Autopilot Requires Significant Driver Intervention, CR finds that latest version of Tesla’s automatic lane-changing feature is far less competent than a human driver


    Tesla recently updated its Autopilot software to allow certain cars to automatically change lanes. The automaker says it”s an attempt to make driving “more seamless.” But Consumer Reports observed the opposite in its own tests of the feature, finding that it doesn”t work very well and could create potential safety risks for drivers.

    Tesla added the update to its Navigate on Autopilot feature last month as part of a promised upgrade to its package of driver assist features. To use it, a driver must first turn it on, essentially giving the car permission to make its own lane changes. A driver can cancel an automated lane change that”s in progress at any time by using the turn-signal stalk, braking, or holding the steering wheel in place.

    In practice, we found that Navigate on Autopilot lagged far behind a human driver”s skill set: The feature cut off cars without leaving enough space and even passed other cars in ways that violate state laws, according to several law enforcement representatives CR interviewed for this report. As a result, the driver often had to prevent the system from making poor decisions…SNIP

    Read the full report here


    Comment from Peter Tomkinson

    There are two serious questions everyone must ask about the Driverless Cars issue.

    1. Where is the actual in service use of Driverless Cars that assures an improvement in road safety?? Must be independent and peer reviewed and conducted in the real world of normal mixed street conditions with people included such as pedestrians.
    NEVER been done. So where is the evidence that accidents and injuries, deaths in particular will be reduced?? Does Not exist so any claims are false, fake news.

    2. What Algorithms will be used for the avoidance process and what parameters will be embedded?? Kill the aged person who stepped into the path, OR the two children on the other side OR slam the vehicle into a concrete structure and risk killing the occupants?? Who decides and will it be any better?? THE question No One is publicly talking about. Will some committee of developers and accountants decide And/OR the geeks in the cellar write the code with the embedded decision making within it and no one consider the outcome until there is a pile of bodies too big to ignore?? 5G is about data gathering, nothing more and consumers are expected to pay for it with mobile device use fees and gimmicks like so called driverless cars (the programmer actually drives it folks – without personal risk). Just like they have been doing with cell phones etc. for more than 20 years now. Governments for surveillance and control through dependancy, and private data trading businesses for profit are “Driving” the push for 5G. There is no public need in reality.



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