Proposed Advisors for Japan and Korea’s planned NTP Replication study
So, scientists from Japan and South Korea plan on doing a partial replication study of the NTP study which found exposure to radiofrequency radiation in male rats resulted in tumors in tissues surrounding nerves in the hearts. Unfortunately it seems they may fall for the old Procrustean Approach spin in the choice of potential expert advisors for the study. Even ancient Michael Repacholi is being wheeled out of his cryogenic chamber for his sage like words of wisdom. The one name missing from the list of potential expert advisors is that of Rodney Croft who would have been useful by claiming that the adverse effects found in the NTP rats was the solely the result of a nocebo effect…
Louis Slesin (Microwave News) and Dariusz Leszczynski have written excellent articles on the proposed study. Links below:
Louis Slesin
Advisors for Japan, Korea NTP Repeat
The Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is circulating a report on the partial replication of the U.S. National Toxicology Program”™s RF””animal study, planned by Korean and Japanese officials. It includes the proposed candidates for the project”™s International Steering Committee.
They are:
“¢ Alexander Lerchl, Jacobs University, Germany
“¢ Michael Repacholi, founder of WHO-EMF Project and ICNIRP
“¢ Emilie van Deventer, head of WHO-EMF Project
“¢ Eric van Rongen, chair of ICNIRP
“¢ Vijayalaxmi, University of Texas Health Science Center
“¢ Joe Wiart, Telecom Paristech, formerly France Telecom
“¢ Michael Wyde, NIEHS/NTP
The report is in Japanese and includes a two-page summary in English. For more on the project, see our write-up from last fall.
From Dariusz Leszczynski (Excerpt)
It has been recently announced that scientists from Japan and South Korea are planning a partial replication of the NTP study. According to what is known now, not all parameters of the NTP study will be used in this Japan/South Korea replication study. It is logical approach. Technological progress, since the time when NTP study was planned and set up, has been swift and exact replication of radiation exposures from some 5 years ago might be of little use for the currently used exposures.
The document of the planned experiments, released by Japanese scientists is in Japanese, but it has a very informative English summary. It appears that not all experimental parameters were already agreed upon and that negotiations are still ongoing.
First, here are the replication parameters presented in the document published by the Japanese scientists. Several parameters are already confirmed but several are still open for discussion:…SNIP
The proposed composition of the International Steering Committee is clearly focused on ICNIRP and WHO EMF Project scientists. This might be considered as pitfall and may hamper the credibility of the research project. To increase the credibility of the International Steering Committee, it would be advisable to include also scientists with opinions differing from the opinions expressed by ICNIRP and WHO EMF Project….SNIP