NSW high school leading the way in wireless technology safety advice to students
Castle Hill High School
Truth is Strength
P&C Committee – Mobile Phone Safety Tips & Cyberbullying Information
Without doubt mobile phones are very useful devices. The P&C have paid due attention to the substantial evidence that has emerged over the recent years indicating that their use must be controlled “” more importantly in children. It is clear that we must train ourselves to become smart users of our “smartphones” in particular, in order to minimise the negative side associated with them. For example, the addictive behaviour is a risk to children and adolescents that gets in the way of learning and socialising.
We are concerned about the emerging evidence for adverse effects of mobile phones on children”s mental and physical health. When reputable scientific bodies have issued warnings and government health agencies of some other countries have already started awareness-raising campaigns/taken measures (please see appendix for full details) to reduce children”s exposure to microwave radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from mobile phones and other wireless devices, it is clearly prudent to follow the Precautionary Principle to protect children.
Fact “” wireless devices including mobile phones emit microwave radiation (RF-EMR). Human exposure to RF-EMR has increased by more than a billion-fold over the last few decades. Recent scientific evidence has confirmed that currently permitted levels of RF-EMR can cause various effects on living cells including damaging DNA (e.g. National Toxicology Program of USA).
The following points are shared in the hope of encouraging safer and more responsible use of mobile phones by students. The Precautionary Principle should be instituted when using a mobile phone or any wireless device. Note there is no proof of safety with these devices…..SNIP
Read the school’s P&C Committee’s full policy here