The X Files: Experts Confirm U.S. Diplomats Suffered Concussions From a Still Unknown Source
Excerpt from Futuriam:
In the fall of 2016, United States diplomats posted in Cuba started to experience hearing loss, vertigo, and brain swelling. According to the Associated Press, which first reported the incident in August 2017, some diplomats” symptoms were so severe that they were forced to return stateside early. Most affected diplomats reported hearing strange noises by their homes and hotel rooms; a few days later, the headaches and the hearing loss started. CNN said that several Canadian diplomats also suffered similar symptoms.
The incident baffled the U.S. State Department. After an extensive investigation, officials blamed a covert sonic device that had been deployed nearby the diplomats” residences. While the Federal Bureau of Investigation ruled out that possibility nearly five months after the accusations, the damage to the U.S. and Cuba”s relationship was done.
The incident caused the then-recently restored diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba to sour. Cuban officials denied any knowledge of such a weapon, and issued a statement that said, “Cuba has never permitted, nor will permit, that Cuban territory be used for any action against accredited diplomatic officials or their families, with no exception.” Regardless, the U.S. expelled two Cuban diplomats from their Washington D.C. embassy in retaliation for the supposed attacks.
Now, almost two years after the original incident, a new report by a group of University of Pennsylvania researchers, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), sheds more light on the mystery.
The JAMA study confirms that the diplomats didn”t just experience concussive symptoms “” headaches, memory problems, brain swelling “” but they had suffered concussions without ever being hit on the head. The JAMA report, which studied 21 of the 24 affected U.S. diplomats, confirmed that they had suffered “injury to widespread brain networks without an associated history of head trauma.” SNIP
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