• 31 JAN 18
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    ACEBR’s Rodney Croft comes under attack for his misrepresentation of the NTP study.

    From the Environmental Health Trust

    Expert Reaction To Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research Criticism of National Toxicology Program Study of Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation


    Expert Reaction to Rodney Crofts Criticism of the National Toxicology Program Findings

    Dr. Rodney Croft, Director of the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research at the University of Wollongong has stated a “number of criticisms” to the findings of the National Toxicology Program study. His criticisms included his statements “that the rats treated with RF lived longer than the controls”the controls did not have “any” tumours” and the lack of clear dose-response relationships. He concluded that “the NTP report does not provide reason to move from the current scientific consensus that mobile phone-like exposure does not impact health.” Read Rodney Croft”s Reaction to the NTP here.

    January 3, 2018: Dr. Ron Melnick has provided a response to the comments made by Rodney Croft.

    Dr. Rodney Croft states, “rats treated with RF lived longer than the controls”

    Dr. Ronald Melnick responds:

    “Actually, there was no statistical difference in survival between control male rats and the exposure group with the highest rate of gliomas and heart schwannomas (CDMA-exposed male rats, SAR= 6.0 W/kg). Also, no glial cell hyperplasias (potential precancerous lesions) or heart schwannomas were observed in any control rat, even though glial cell hyperplasia was detected in RF-exposed rats as early at week 58 of the 2-year study and heart schwannomas were detected as early as week 70 in exposed rats. Thus, survival was sufficient to detect tumors or pre-cancerous lesions in the brain and heart of control rats.

    Dr. Rodney Croft states “controls did not have “any” tumors”

    Dr. Ronald Melnick responds:

    “Control rats did have tumors (63% of males and 92% of control female rats); however, the tumor responses associated with exposure to RF (gliomas and schwannomas of the heart) were not detected in controls. Gliomas and schwannomas of the heart are uncommon tumors that occur rarely in control Sprague-Dawley rats. It is not unusual to observe a zero incidence of uncommon tumors in groups of 50-90 control rats. The most important control group in an experimental study is the concurrent control group.


    Read the full critique, with more on the NTP study here



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