5G: Introducing Brillouin Precursors: Microwave Radiation Runs Deep (Microwave News)
From Microwave News, March/April 2002
When a very fast pulse of radiation enters the human body, it generates a burst of energy that can travel much deeper than predicted by conventional models. This induced radiation pulse, known as a Brillouin precursor, is at the heart of the continuing conflict over the U.S. Air Force”s (USAF) PAVE PAWS phased array radar on Cape Cod.
Brillouin precursors can also be formed by ultrawideband radiation (see also p.17) and, in the near future, by high-speed data signals. Dr. Richard Albanese, a researcher at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, is concerned that the radiation from the PAVE PAWS radar entails wide-spread human exposure to Brillouin precursors. In a May 23, 2000, letter to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), Albanese warned that this type of phased array radiation has never been tested. He has been working on Brillouin precursors for over 15 years.
The National Academy of Sciences””National Research Council has initiated a study to evaluate Albanese”s theories at the request of Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), with funding from the USAF (see p.11 and MWN,J/ F01 and N/ D01).
Pulses of radiofrequency or microwave (RF/MW) radiation must have extremely short rise times or very rapid changes in phase in order to create Brillouin precursors on entering “lossy” materials like soil, water or living tissue. (Materials that absorb radiation are called lossy.) Once generated, the new pulses propagate without significant attenuation.
Brillouin precursors present both an advantage and a potential hazard. “They are useful for imaging because they penetrate materials that conventional radar signals do not,” explains Dr. Kurt Oughstun, who has long studied the dynamics of RF/MW pulses and has collaborated with Albanese for many years (see interview below). “On the other hand, it may not be a good thing to have signals that penetrate deep into human beings.” Oughstun began investigating Brillouin precursors while a doctoral student at the University of Rochester, NY. SNIP