Low-Level Effects Hiding in Plain Sight A Reminiscence on Abe Liboff’s 90th Birthday
From Louis Slesin, Microwave News:
Much of the controversy about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation turns on whether low-level, so-called non-thermal, interactions exist. This is nothing new. The same dispute has been going on for close to 100 years.
On the occasion of Abe Liboff’s 90th birthday, we look back on two sets of experiments he worked on while he was a fellow at the Naval Medical Research Institute in the 1980’s –as well as some more recent work from Russia and Italy. The results of both experiments were, and still are, nothing short of stunning.
For those who don’t know him, Liboff was for many years the chairman of the department of physics at Oakland University in Michigan as well as a co-editor of the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine.
Liboff’s work (and that of many others) could have helped settle the issue, but the resistance has been simply too great. And so, the controversy continues today.
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