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    Cellphones, wifi and cancer: Will Trump’s budget cuts zap vital ‘electrosmog’ research?

    From Paul Mobbs writing in The Ecologist

    27th March 2017


    Just as long term research into the health impacts of the ‘electrosmog’ created by wifi and mobile phones is yielding its first results, it’s at risk of sudden termination from President Trump’s budget cuts, writes Paul Mobbs. But the cuts have little to do with saving money – and a lot to do with protecting corporate profit and economic growth from harsh truths, including evidence that electrosmog causes cancer in laboratory rats, and maybe humans too.

    Amidst concern over President Trump’s emasculation of the US Environmental Protection Agency, and cuts to the USA’s climate research, other ground-breaking areas of environmental research are being ignored.

    For well-over a decade, at a cost of $25 million, a US National Toxicology Program study has been assessing the links between the use of mobile phones and rare, though increasing forms of cancer.

    Unfortunately, before the results of this study are published, it may be ‘lost’ in the coming cuts.

    Read the full article here


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