Recent Dutch paper on electrosensitivity
From Hugo Schooneveld
Electromagnetic field reduction restores health of electro-sensitive people
Hugo Schooneveld, Joop van Bijnen, and Patrick van Zuilen
Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) Foundation, The Netherlands2
Electromagnetically sensitized people may develop symptoms and health problems, when exposed to certain types of electromagnetic fields (EMF), known as electrical hypersensitivity (EHS). Over time, the effects may become stronger if such exposure continues. The Dutch EHS Foundation is committed to finding ways to understand these phenomena and to doing something about it. This study reports the results of a research questionnaire distributed among EHS people before and after that they had taken measures to reduce their exposure to EMF. Information requested included (1) the types of symptoms that people reported, and (2) the effects of EMF reduction strategies on the disappearance of EHS symptoms and improvement of well-being.
We assembled a “˜long list”™ of curable symptoms based on the data received before field management: these included poor quality of sleep, fatigue, bad concentration ability, restlessness, and “˜tight band around head”™. We also assembled a “˜short list”™ of the five most cited health problems alleviated after EMF reduction. We also made a “˜short list”™ of EMF reduction methods that proved most effective: these include
replacement of Dect phones by corded phones, reducing use of mobile phone, disconnecting WiFi routers, and reducing PC and TV time. Respondents usually reported more than one symptom. There are no EMF reduction measures, which satisfied every individual.
We propose that people may be assigned the “˜status”™ of EHS when having suffered from a certain number of health symptoms cited here, which were alleviated by EMF reduction and shielding. We aim to achieve appropriate medical attention for electro-sensitive people, and help in creating electromagnetically
clean living and working conditions. SNIP……
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