Cindy Sage, the Bioinitiative reports co-editor on smart phone virtual shopping
From Cindy Sage. A letter sent to the New York Times:
Dear New York Times people,
I have received your gift of a Google Cardboard viewer thanking me for being a loyal subscriber to the Times.
What a hilarious debacle in the name of ‘gifting’ and thanking your customers. I read and respect the NY Times, but this is a real mistake in judgment.
What you didn’t tell me is that this is a distinct health hazard to the very loyal subscribers like myself whom you are trying to thank with this gift. This would not be approvable under any Institutional Review Board as a scientific experiment on humans, without informed consent from them for exposing them to a classified Possible Human Carcinogen (WHO IARC Group 2B). No IRB would or could approve it.
Putting a cell phone at your forehead is ridiculously risky. Where are the health warnings?
Please see or any of the other 1000 or so scientific studies on the risks of cell phone radiation.
Thanks but no thanks. Looking for the quick demise of this ill-conceived customer relations program.
Cindy Sage, MA
Sage Associates
Co-Editor, BioInitiative Reports
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