AGL releases plans for smart meter installation in NSW and South Australia
From Stop Smart Meters Australia
Posted on February 10, 2016 by Stop Smart Meters Australia
Victoria was the trial state [in Australia], Tasmania made it optional but didn”™t confirm health was at risk with a smart meter installation. Now South Australia and New South Wales seem to be the next states to push smart meters.
Despite the fact that AGL decided to hide the term “˜smart meters”™ in their FAQ page, it is clearly spelled out on their website: Smart meters are coming to SA and NSW! Billing accuracy and monitoring are being sold to their customers as benefits. There have been many stories about raised bills with smart meters and very few of them actually lowering bills, so be careful there.
It seems the term “˜Smart Meter”™, which now has much negativity associated with it, is being avoided as much as possible to not alarm customers. The term “˜Digital Meter”™ is used instead.
The AGL site shows that customers have an ability to opt out if they notify the company first. They may send a letter announcing the installation, but if one fails to go through the proper process for the “˜opt out”™, it is likely a smart meter will be installed, no matter if you are home or not.
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