Appin Hall Children’s Foundation End-of-Year Newsletter 2015
NOTE: This posting is a follow-up from my posting of August 26 2015
From Ronnie Burns, founder of Appin Hall.
In July this year, Appin Hall received notice regarding an application to Kentish Council that the NBNCo (+ Ericsson Australia) were proposing to erect a 60met high telecommunications facility within 20met of our northern neighbouring property. In response to this development application, we submitted a Letter of Objection to Kentish Council based on the fact that many of our clients (children suffering serious illness) are already compromised due to
illness, treatment + chemotherapy.
After months of begging the powers that be: Local Council, the Tasmanian Government and the then Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull (and others) the outcome was that no response was forthcoming with considerations to re-locate the proposed wi-fi tower approx 10klm south of our facility on to Crown or Forestry land. Our Board of Directors agreed that our first choice was to find a large property (approx 700 acres) in Tasmania near Cradle Mt or down south in Huonville to re-build the Appin Hall vision in order to not ever have a wi-fi tower installed close to our
Respite Centre in the future. However, we have now looked further a field with plans to relocate in the high country of Victoria offering young people specialised camps comprising camping, fishing, kayaking, snow skiing, bushwalking and nature study.
Currently, 85% of clientele are sourced in Tasmania via hospitals, medical professionals, social workers, psychologists, child protection agencies, public awareness programs and community organisations focused on Youth at Risk. However, over the past 20 years, Appin Hall has invited families from the Mainland for respite and timeout from the pressures of children with illness. In the not too distant future the Foundation will be working in reverse: flying Tassie families and youth camps to Victoria for holidays.
“After 20 years of living in paradise, I have come to understand that everything is about energy: how we power our homes, the cars we drive, industry, the foods we eat “” even our thoughts! At Appin Hall we have worked in harmony with Nature to develop a special dream and to build a principle of worth to be enjoyed by so many. Through energies, such as vision, compassion, human understanding, collective goals, goodwill, care and love “” these attributes were not only infused in the land and buildings, they have now become a vital part of who we all are “” something you cannot buy. As we move to Victoria, and relocate closer to our family and grandchildren once again, we will always remain focused on bringing about these changes to the next generation and indeed the venture. Because without them we would not feel safe and alive!”