Canberra neurosurgeon writes about smart meters…
Posted on June 6, 2014 by Stop Smart Meters Australia
Here is what Dr Vini G. Khurana MBBS (Syd, Hons), BScMed (Syd, Hons), PhD (Mayo Clinic), FRACS, neurosurgeon from Canberra, thinks about wireless smart meters:
The Australian electrical utility company Citipower (Powercor) is currently rolling out “smart meters” in Australian homes. There are public concerns regarding possible health effects that such a device might have via continuous near-field electromagnetic radiation emissions (especially if situated near bed-heads and family and childrens” rooms). Info about smart meter health and safety issues via Citipower”s own brochure (CLICK HERE) appears inadequate based on information gathered from experts elsewhere (see links below). Regarding smart meters:
* There does not appear to be any real benefit for consumers/households and no “green” benefit either
* Financial benefits following installation appear to be exclusively for power companies
* DETRIMENTAL effects for consumers appear to be (i) a substantial rise in household utility bills; (ii) possible adverse neurological effects in people who sustain close proximity to the meters (especially < 10 feet/3 metres); (iii) invaded personal privacy via third parties obtaining information about household occupancy patterns gleaned from time-specific utility usage data, (iv) impending additional wireless meter installations for gas, water, television and communication devices etc.
Read the full article here