Is the cell phone industry making itself a sitting duck?
From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski, Between a Rock and A Hard Place:
HELSINKI, Finland, October 17, 2013 “” The French cell phone safety watchdog “” The National Agency for Health, Food and Environmental Safety (ANSES) “” published its new report on cell phones and health on October 15th, 2013.
The report concludes that the panel of scientists, led by Elisabeth Cardis, was unable to find causality between the observed biological effects induced by exposures to cell phone radiation and possible health effects in humans (as stated on the page 45 of the report: “For personal reasons, Dr Cardis was not able to participate in the deliberations of the working group in 2013, in the evaluation of the data and the preparation of the report and is therefore not in a position to endorse its conclusions”).
However, considering the omnipresence and rapid development and deployment of new wireless technologies, ANSES” report recommends limiting exposures for children and for avid users, defined as persons talking on the phone for at least 40 min/day.
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