The Wi-Fi in your home will be able to track your moves
With this “Smart” technology your electricity provider (and their owners in Singapore if you happen to live in Victoria, Aust.) will be able to do far more than know which appliances you are using in a smart grid enabled home. Bathed in a sea of Wi-Fi microwaves, your family’s very movements can be monitored and data collected.
The mind boggles with the implications…thinking of having a sexy night in the sanctity of your bedroom? With “WiSee” technology someone may be seeing your every move and perhaps later sent you a text message on your smart phone advertising relevant sex aids, etc. …… If you want some privacy at least line the toilet with copper mesh…… or throw the damn WI-fi in the trash if you can bare to live without it.
From Blake Levitt
The Wi-Fi in your home can track your moves like Xbox Kinect
Devin Coldewey NBC News
Want to switch off the living room lights from bed, change channels while washing dishes, or turn the heat up from the couch? A team at the University of Washington has rigged a standard Wi-Fi home network to detect your movements anywhere in the home and convert them into commands to control connected devices.
Gesture recognition is the latest fad in games and tech, but even the newest systems require high-tech depth-sensing cameras or other special hardware. Microsoft’s new Kinect, for instance, uses a photon-measuring method called “time of flight” sensing that was, until the Kinect was announced, limited to high-tech laboratories. And Kinect isn’t small, either.
UW computer science students, led by assistant professor Shyam Gollakota, looked at the gesture-detection puzzle another way “” specifically, how people affect the environment they’re already in.
Our bodies distort the Wi-Fi signals we use to beam information to and from our laptops and phones. By watching those signals very closely, the team could determine not just what room you’re in, but where you’re standing and how you’re moving your body. They call the system WiSee.
Read the full article, with video here
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