EMR and Health report
From Lyn McLean, EMR Australia:
I wonder if you’d mind passing on to your readers the following message:
Earlier this year, in a ground-breaking legal case, an Australian man was awarded compensation for injuries received from exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). This important case has implications for workers and employers, and for the authorities who regulate workplace safety and Australian & international standards.
You might also be interested to hear that there is now evidence linking mobile phone use with ADHD and brain tumours. International scientists have spoken out about the risks of wireless radiation and called for precautions. And there is fascinating research that an electric sense underlies the process of pollination – and therefore life.
You can read these stories and other news on EMR in the June issue of our quarterly news and science report ‘EMR and Health’, available from EMR Australia at: http://www.emraustralia.com.au/EMR_products_EMR_and_health.html
thanks and warm regards
Lyn McLean
EMR Australia PL
02 9576 1772