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    New smart meter report by the US National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy

    Too bad the Victorian government (present and former) didn’t have access to the just released report by the U.S. National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (Nov. 2012) before they committed to the current smart meter roll-out. Titled Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid it should be required reading for Victorian regulators, the DPI, Energy Safe Victoria, etc. ESPECIALLY the clueless Victorian Ministerial Radiation Advisory Committee, who at the moment only get their smart meter advice from an ex-Motorola EMR strategist and now a telecommunications consultant. Apparently the committee doesn’t have a policy on conflict of interest…….

    AND don’t forget the Greens who currently have absolutely no idea of the complexities of this issue.



    In recent years, the notion of the “smart grid” has emerged””first using information technology as a means of improving electricity reliability””then more recently to improve efficiency, reduce pollution, and to incorporate more renewable generation. But the public face of this smart grid has too often become the deployment of vast networks of remotely readable electric meters by utilities, often with large government subsidies. In the name of the smart grid, billions of taxpayer and ratepayer dollars are being spent on these so-called “smart meters.” But now the utilities and their smart meters are experiencing increasing public pushback.
    In reality, these meters and their dedicated networks are primarily for the benefit of utilities, reducing their operating costs and increasing profits by firing meter readers””ironically with federal stimulus funds””while doing essentially nothing to advance what should be the real goal of the smart grid: balancing supply and demand and integrating more renewable sources. Instead, the meter networks squander vast sums of money, create enormous risks to privacy and security, introduce known and still unknown possible risks to public health, and sour the public on the true promise of the smart grid.
    This paper examines the technical shortcomings of the smart meter strategy along with its related economic, privacy, security, and potential health risks””explaining why this approach cannot lead to energy sustainability. It analyzes the failures of both federal grid policy and state regulation. It further explores and explains the technical challenges and economic potential of a true smart grid. Finally, it proposes a roadmap for a transformation to a renewable, sustainable electricity economy that could lead the way to a clean energy future.

    Download the report here

    Also see Dr. Mercola on this report: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/12/05/smart-utility-meters.aspx?e_cid=20121205_DNL_art_1

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