• 06 NOV 12
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    Melbourne workshop: Science and Wireless 2012: Epidemiology, Assessing Risks, Reviewing Standards

    I will refrain from making comments about the forthcoming workshop other than say that I am very interested in following the progress (or otherwise) of the “new” Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR) headed by Rodney Croft. Will ACEBR take up the contentious issue of possible health effects from smart meters? If so, will we see the same dismissive antics that characterized the old ACRBR? Can a leopard, in fact, change its spots? We will see………..



    Swinburne”s Brain and Psychological Sciences Research Centre (BPsyC) and the new Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR) Host “Science & Wireless 2012″

    The annual “Science & Wireless” event provides a unique opportunity for scientists, regulators, industry specialists and members of the community to meet and exchange views on mobile phones and health in a public forum.

    This year the event will be a Technical Workshop hosted by the BPsyC at Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn Campus, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122. It is presented in association with the “New” ACEBR (formerly the ACRBR), which has recently been announced as a Centre of Research Excellence with funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for 2012 “” 2017.

    The Science & Wireless 2012 Technical Workshop is entitled:

    “Epidemiology, Assessing Risks, Reviewing Standards”.

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) is currently undertaking a formal Health Risk Assessment for Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields including mobile phones. However, the WHO Assessment is not due to be completed until 2013/14. In the meantime, international science commentary and public interest in the issues has not abated.

    Given this hiatus, Science & Wireless 2012 is designed to encourage a critical review of the issues by leading international experts and commentators in the field of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, and to consider the implications for Australia.

    The Workshop will be organised and introduced by Professor Andrew Wood and Adjunct Professor Ray Kemp of Swinburne University.

    Unlike previous years, the Workshop will hear four formal presentations:

    * Professor Mark Elwood (University of Auckland) “A Review of the Epidemiology: What does the science tell the community about the use of wireless in everyday life?”

    * Professor Norbert Leitgeb (German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK)”s Committee on Nonionizing Radiation) “Hazard Assessment: A critical look at RF-EMF and mobile phones”;

    * Professor Dariusz Leszczynski (Swinburne University of Technology) “Perspectives on Safety Standards: In the context of IARC 2B classification and the Precautionary Principle”; and

    * Professor Rodney Croft (University of Wollongong and Chief Investigator ACEBR) “An Australian Perspective: The research programme of the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR)”.
    As in previous years, the presentations will be recorded so as to be made available subsequently to a wider audience*.
    Key questions to be addressed by the speakers will include:

    What are the latest scientific results showing about exposure to RF EMF?
    What are the uncertainties in the evidence base and how should they be viewed?
    How should exposure to wireless technologies be classified in terms of hazard potential?
    Are there any implications for the community in terms of everyday exposure to wireless technologies?
    What are the current views of the major health regulators and authorities on public exposures to RF EMF?
    Are there any disagreements among policy makers, and what is likely to happen next?
    Can science continue to improve our understanding about the environmental and health consequences of wireless technology?
    How can science help policy makers and regulators in this field where interest remains high among certain sections of the public and the media?


    Date and Time: Thursday 15th November 13.00 “” 17.00.
    Registration from 12.00.
    AGSE207 Lecture Theatre
    Hawthorn Campus
    Swinburne University of Technology
    Hawthorn 3122
    see G3 on campus map downloadable from http://www.swinburne.edu.au/campuses/hawthorn/

    See all details here

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