• 02 APR 12
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    European experts in disarray over EHS — electromagnetic hypersensitivity

    From Dariusz Leszczynski writing in the Washington Times Communities:

    HELSINKI, April 1, 2012″”Proper function of the human body relies on “electricity”. What we feel and what we think is regulated by the movements of electric charges within and in-between our cells. Hence, it should come as no surprise that placing the human body into a sufficiently strong electromagnetic field might cause disturbances to normal physiological electric signaling of the tissues and organs. What is a sufficiently strong electromagnetic field? There are some general rules that are used to provide us with safety limits of exposure. However, as with anything we encounter, there are exceptions. People’s bodies are alike, but not entirely the same. Variations in our genes lead to the so called individual susceptibility to chemicals, including medicines or radiation. Some people get pollen or dust allergy but the majority do not. Some get lung cancer from tobacco smoke but not all smokers do. Some get easily sunburned whereas others do not.

    Every one of us is at least slightly different from the others, and while safety limits usually protect the vast majority, there always will exist a minority that is more sensitive and responds to exposure levels that are even below the general safety standards. Some of the sensitive people are easy to protect — do not smoke, do not tan, take your antihistamine.

    There is one group of sensitive people who are difficult to define and difficult to protect in the current electromagnetic-technology-dependent world. Such a group of people are sensitive, more than others, to man-made electromagnetic radiation. This group must exist or we would need to rewrite our medical books.


    Click here to go to the the full article.

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