Is there a health risk from cell phone radiation?
Commentary in The Washington Times Communities by by Dariusz Leszczynski
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
HELSINKI, Finland, December 13, 2011 “” In 2001, I wrote a letter to the editor of the prestigious British medical journal “The Lancet” and called on the WHO to take into consideration the Precautionary Principle in matters of cell phones and health. At that time, however, whenever these two terms were mentioned together, the representatives of the industry strongly opposed it.
Over the years the issue of the Precautionary Principle has evolved and now everyone is talking about “plain” precaution.
The difference between using the term precaution and the term the Precautionary Principle is like the difference between day and night. Precaution is how we understand it in our everyday life. But the Precautionary Principle is a whole lot more.
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