1360: Cell Phone Radiation Changes Brain Metabolism
From Louis Slesin, Microwave News:
A well-regarded and influential team of researchers from the
National Institutes of Health and the Brookhaven National Lab
is on the brink of resolving a long-standing dispute with
enormous implications for public health.
In a paper due out tomorrow in the Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA), Nora Volkow and coworkers are
reporting that a 50-minute exposure to cell phone radiation
can affect the normal functioning of the human brain.
What is particularly remarkable about the new work is that
those regions of the brain that were most highly exposed to
phone radiation had the largest increases in metabolic activity.
Whether these short-term changes will lead to health consequences
(and what they might be) is far from clear — though Volkow already
has preliminary indications of a long-term effect.
Importantly, this new finding upsets the current orthodoxy because
such low-levels EMF effects are thought to be impossible.
Nora Volkow, the lead author of the JAMA study, is the
director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. She told
Microwave News that she recommends using a wired earpiece
when on a mobile phone. She is most senior U.S. health official
to come out for precaution.
Read the full story at:
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
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