#1242: Hypersensitivity Diseases and Environmental Causes: from Denial to Action
From Beperk de Straling
Hypersensitivity Diseases and Environmental Causes: from Denial to Action
Link: http://www.env-health.org/a/3536?utm_source=newsletter_email&utm_medium=
The French environment and health NGO and HEAL member, Reseau
Environement Sante, coordinated a conference on hypersensitivity
diseases and environmental causation in Paris on Wednesday 21st April.
The conference was organised alongside the health insurance company,
la Mutuelle Familiale, three patient associations and the national
orgnaisation, la Coordination Nationale Médicale Santé Environnement
The one day conference sought to highlight how mechanisms of diagnosis
and treatment of hypersensitivity diseases could be strengthened if
environmental factors were taken into account. In Europe, despite the
high standards of medical education, information about the influence
of environmental factors is often omitted from diagnosis and
treatment. Health professionals are often unaware or do not have
information on hypersensitivity diseases, particularly related to
chemicals (such as multiple chemical sensitiveness,
electro-sensitivity, chronic tiredness.
The day aimed to produce an overview of the current situation, define
the perspectives of scientific researchers, patients, and general
practitioners, and to contribute to the creation of a future action
plan on Hypersensitivity Diseases.
You can read more about the outcome of the consortium on the RES
website: http://www.reseau-environnement-sante.fr/
Read the programme here: