#1232: Expert warning on increasing microwave exposures
From Georgiy Ostroumov:
The most dangerous sources of microwave radiation
I should like to tell you about the most dangerous sources of microwave radiation (EMF, RF; electromagnetic fields, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, high frequency microwave radiation, etc). I am seeing that many people are suffering from microwave radiation but they do not often know about sources (radiating units) of the strong radiation.
Allow me to introduce briefly myself. I live in Kotka, Finland. I am a radio engineer, Ph.D. in the field of microwave technique. My skills are measurements of microwave radiation and reduction of all radiations (microwave radiations and low frequency fields) from mobile phones. I am electrosensitive.
European Parliament resolution (on health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields) was published (2.4.2009). The European Parliament calls on all parties to follow precautionary principle (ALARA- As Low As Reasonably Achievable). The European Parliament has suggested many ways to reduce exposure of the general public to microwave radiation. It was planned for full frequency range up to 300 GHz. How are the plans being carried out?
The joint statement from the Nordic Radiation Safety Authorities (exposure of the general public to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields) was quickly published (16.11.2009). It was done only for radiofrequency range from 10 MHz to 2,500 MHz (2.5 GHz). There is such opinion in the statement:” According to measurements performed in all the Nordic countries exposure of the general public to these background fields is typically far below 1/100th of the exposure limits. The Nordic authorities therefore at present see no need for a common recommendation for further actions to reduce these radiofrequency fields.”
The Nordic Radiation Safety Authorities referred to the exposure limits of the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). By the way, we know exposure limits, which are far below 1/100th of the exposure limits of the ICNIRP.
The joint statement is a half-truth.
Let us say whole truth about microwave radiation.
I can speak to you only about Finland. Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) says itself that the background fields are up to 1/1000-1/200th of the exposure limits of the ICNIRP in some living places. It means 4,500-22,500 µW/m2. Moreover, STUK recently evaluated background fields as 1/42th of the exposure limits (in Turku). But many independent researchers say that a safe level is only up to 100 µW/m2(indoor). Thus those background fields should be reduced essentially. A safe level of the background fields for mobile communication should be within the limits of 0.1 and 10 µW/m2. It is ALARA-principle for mobile communication (in this case all base station radiate as low as possible and so do all mobile phones).
The Nordic Radiation Safety Authorities said:”If the number of fixed antennas is reduced, mobile phones will need to use higher power to maintain their connection, thereby the exposure of the general public may increase”.
That needn”t be so. For example, the European Parliament urges the authorities responsible for authorizing the siting of mobile telephony antennas to reach agreement, jointly with the operators in that sector, on the sharing of infrastructure, in order to reduce the volume thereof and the exposure of the public to microwave radiation.
Is it enough? I should give you my examples.
Nordic Radiation Safety Authorities should carry out at least their own suggestion (“The Nordic authorities wish to emphasize the fact that to reduce the total exposure received by the general public from wireless communication systems, it is necessary to carry out integrated planning that takes into account radiation emitted both from fixed antennas and hand-held devices such as mobile phones.”). It is very important because of strong radiation emitted fixed antennas of microwave units (see below)! I have to emphasize the fact that the Nordic Radiation Safety Authorities inform correctly about this problem. But they had better do correctly something. What am I speaking about? The STUK is the leading organization in the Finnish project COSMOS (cohort study of mobile phone use and health). As many as 30,000 persons were engaged in this study. Unfortunately there are not any measurements of the radiation emitted from fixed antennas in the Finnish project. Thus this long-term (at least for 10 years) study is entirely wrong.
But allow me to tell you about the greatest danger. Why did the Nordic Radiation Safety Authorities speak only about radiations (background fields) in the radiofrequency range from 10 MHz to 2.5 GHz? I have measured all background fields in frequency range from 1 MHz to 7 GHz with spectrum analyzer in my bedroom. Total radiation in frequency range from 1 MHz to 5 GHz is about 400 µW/m2. Total radiation in frequency range from 5.725 GHz to 7 GHz is about 130,000 µW/m2. It means already 1/77th of the exposure limits. Moreover, I measured radiation in this frequency range in other places of some towns. Levels of the radiation were 200,000-2,000,000 µW/m2 (1/50th-1/5th of the exposure limits). Individual unit radiated strongly for a long time! How about total exposure in those places? Such bad situation is typical for the towns of South Finland. Thus long-term radiation (the background fields) in the frequency range from 5.725 GHz to 7 GHz is doing ecological catastrophe in many towns of Finland.
Exposure of a user to this radiation is as dangerous as exposure of the user to radiation from his or her mobile phone! Just imagine! That is why, it is important to carry out measurements of all background fields (microwave radiations emitted from all fixed antennas) when health of mobile phone users is studied.
I did not measure all radiations in frequency range from 5 GHz to 5.725 GHz because of radars. I cannot calculate exactly total exposure in this frequency range because the radars emit strong short pulses for the time being. By the way, weather radar radiation (peak) in my bedroom was 230,000 µW/m2 (distance is about 30 km! Frequency range is 5.5-5.65 GHz). The weather radar irradiates accidentally neighboring towns too. Perhaps it is dangerous.
There are many various radiating units in the frequency range from 5.725 GHz to 7 GHz. But the most dangerous units for general public are microwave radio relay links and terrestrial base stations for satellite communication. These units irradiate people mostly because of inappropriate installation of antennas. Our predecessors installed the antennas chiefly out of the towns on high masts (70-100 m). Some years ago situation was changed. The antennas are being often installed in the towns on shorts masts (15-30 m) at present. In this reason exposure of the general public to microwave radiation is increasing dramatically.
Both radio relay links and terrestrial base stations work in frequency range above 7 GHz too.
(Who would calculate correctly total exposure to radiation for whole frequency range? No one from the Nordic Radiation Safety Authorities can do it at present. According to the ICNIRP, correct value of exposure is only SAR (Specific Absorption Rates-basic restriction quantity) in frequency range up to 10 GHz. Of course, one can use the other value-power density (reference level quantity) in this frequency range, but it does not matter. Correct value of exposure is only power density (basic restriction quantity) in frequency range above 10 GHz.
Thus one has total exposure in whole frequency range (both below 10 GHz and above 10 GHz), but one has no any possibility to calculate correctly level of danger! Of course, both all ecological organizations and some countries, as well as I, have always measured power density only).
Please note, that radio relay links, terrestrial base stations for satellite communication and radars may have different frequency ranges in various countries. For the most part microwave radio relay links should be replaced with optic fiber and/or free space optic. These radiations could be reduced to zero without any technical problems. By the way, booth optic fiber and free space optic often are more cost-effective than microwave radio relay links are.
All strong radiations should be reduced significantly because exposure of the general public to these background fields is typically far above 1/100th of the exposure limits. Level of these radiations might be reduced to 10 µW/m2. Fortunately there are few living places with strong radiations in the radiofrequency range from 10 MHz to 2.5 GHz in Finland. Unfortunately there are many towns with strong radiations in frequency range above 5.725 GHz in Finland. How about your countries? We are all in trouble, I am afraid.
Thank you for your attention.
Georgiy Ostroumov g_ostroumov@yahoo.com
P.S. I and my friends had sent our notes about radiations to blogs of the STUK, afterwards the blogs were removed at all! Nevertheless one can read our notes, including the STUK censored blogs (mostly in Finnish) at Link: http://beyondcreativity.blogs.com/
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