#1211: Dr. Wright on mobile phone/ tumour link
Dr. Wright, Australia’s most known media medical commentator has joined the growing list of Australian doctors who have publically expressed concern over the possible link between mobile phone use and brain tumours. The following is from Dr Wright’s February 7, 2010 question and answer segment, published in the Sunday Tasmanian.
Mobile phone menace
CAN mobile phones lead to brain cancers?
My personal view is yes, however the jury is still out. We’ll know for sure in about 15 years, when a few hundred thousand more perish from this horrible disease.
Electro-magnetic waves emanating from a source so close to the brain must have a negative impact.
If you are a high-volume user, at least use brands where the transmitter is away from your head. Australians are among the world’s highest users of mobiles.
Visit Dr. Wright’s web page at www.docwright.com.au or email him at docwright@macf.org.au
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