#1209: New papers from the Dutch National Platform on Radiation Risks (NPS)
From Alex Swinkels, the National Platform on Radiation Risks:
1) Progressive stages in world-wide knowledge development regarding
Electromagnetic Fields & Health
With this paper the Dutch National Platform on Radiation Risks aims to
improve public awareness of the successive stages of development of
knowledge about the domain of EMF&H which have occurred in recent decades.
2) Reaction of the Dutch National Platform on Radiation risks on the draft
ICNIRP Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric and
magnetic fields (1 Hz to 100 kHz).
3) Research on electromagnetic fields should find a new direction
Long-term exposure, but … … no knowledge, no safety standards
Citizens and ecosystems are nowadays increasingly exposed to long-term
growth in low- and high-frequency electromagnetic fields from an ever wider
range of electrical equipment, power lines and wireless applications. The
knowledge about possible health consequences of long-term effects of such
fields is not available, or available only in a very limited way. This also
applies to the cumulative effect of these influences. In line with this, the
current standards primarily focus on the prevention of acute health effects
occurring on exposure to individual fields. As a consequence, in the current
situation, human beings and the natural world are not protected against
possible long term health effects from a cocktail of different
electromagnetic fields.