#1201: Videos on on safer cell phone use by teens and young children
From Elizabeth Kelly, ICEMS:
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, I just produced some public education materials on safer cell phone use by teens and young children. See www.icems.eu. Click on campaign for “safer cell phone use.” This information was prepared under the direct guidance of and participation by Dr. Raymond Neutra, Dr. Henry Lai and Dr. Magda Havas. We have posted two short videos, one featuring teens talking with teens and the other featuring dr. neutral, a public health doctor. These videos can be forwarded in You Tube format. Also posted is an EMF Presentation to teens at a Bay Area High school and a small group discussion among teens for California led by these experts. Dr. Devra L. Davis was the featured speaker at these events, where she presented scientific information and gave health advisories on personal safer cell phone use and need for safer cell phones. Her website, www.environmentalhealthtrust.org, is full of scientific and policy related information. We hope these two credible information sources are useful and motivates you to take more personal precaution in your use of cell phones, to caution others and advocate for safer cell phones. There are sufficient biological and health studies to call for precaution and to seek remedies for greater health protection.
Elizabeth Kelley
Elizabeth Kelley, M.A. International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety www.icems.eu info@icems.eu
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