#1162: Manufacturing doubt on cellphone hazards
From Bürgerwelle News:
Link: http://www.buergerwelle.de:8080/helma/twoday/bwnews/stories/53/
The Effects of Mobile-Phone Electromagnetic Fields on Brain Electrical Activity: A Critical Analysis of the Literature
We analyzed the reports in which human brain electrical activity was compared between the presence and absence of radio-frequency and lowfrequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from mobile phones, or between pre- and post-exposure to the EMFs. Of 55 reports, 37 claimed and 18 denied an EMF-induced effect on either the baseline electroencephalogram (EEG), or on cognitive processing of visual or auditory stimuli as reflected in changes in event-related potentials. … From an analysis of their cognitive framework, the common use of disclaimers, the absence of information concerning conflicts of interest, and the industry’s donations to the principal EMF journal, we inferred that the doubt was manufactured by the industry. The crucial scientific question of the pathophysiology of mobile-phone EMFs as reflected in measurements of brain electrical activity remains unanswered, and essentially unaddressed. Andrew A. Marino and Simona Carrubba. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Volume 28, Issue 3 September 2009 , pages 250 – 274. Abstract