#1108: Rewire.me eMagazine on the Bioinitiative report
From Eileen O’Connor, Radiation Research Trust:
The new Rewire.me eMagazine contains a new video on Page 10 under the BioInitiative Report “explaining the health effects of electromagnetic fields”¯ by Dr. Martin Blank, PhD Associate Professor at Columbia University. Dr Martin Blank is one the Organising Committee Members of the Bioinitiative Report. His previous roles include President of the Bioelectromagnetics Society amongst many others.
Please send it to all your friends and family, download the pdf from here: www.rewire.me
Rewire.Me is and interactive rich-media PDF eMagazine that focuses on the world of electro-magnetic radiation that we experience in our daily lives. Learn the practical and preventative methods to protect you and your family from its harmful effects. Links are provided to videos, audio, virtual reality and scientific journals dealing with the subject of EMF.
Kind Regards,
Eileen O”™Connor
Radiation Research Trust
Rewire.Me eMagazine