#1058: Interphone: Good News, Bad News
From Microwave News:
The stalemate over Interphone is coming to an end.
A project of the International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) on the possible links between mobile
phones and tumors, Interphone has been bogged down
for over three years while its members feuded over
how to interpret their results.
Now, Microwave News has learned, a paper on
brain tumor risks is about to be submitted
for publication. Christopher Wild, the director
of IARC, forced a compromise to resolve what
had become a major embarrassment for the agency.
In fact, Wild has only achieved a partial resolution.
After the brain tumor paper is finally published later
this year, much more work on Interphone will still
need to be done.
Check out the full story on our Web site:
Louis Slesin
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
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