#1048: EMFacts website updated
In the fullness of time the EMFacts web site (www.emfacts.com) has finally been updated with a number of additions as follows:
1) Maisch, D., Podd, J., Rapley, B. ‘Electromagnetic Fields in the Built Environment “” Design for Minimal Radiation Exposure’, BDP Environment Design Guide, Royal Aust. Institute of Architects, August 2006. http://www.emfacts.com/papers/gen76.pdf
2) Electric Words: The website files of journalist Stewart Fist consisting of abstracts of scientific research into the biological safety of cellular mobile phones and EMR in general. http://www.electricwords.emfacts.com/
3) The later, published version of “Conflict of Interest and Bias in Health Advisory Committees: A case study of the WHO”™s EMF Task Group” has replaced the pre-publication version. http://www.emfacts.com/papers/who_conflict.pdf
Don Maisch
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