• 09 MAR 09
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    #1034: EMR and Health newsletter now available

    Notice from Lyn Mclean, EMR Australia:

    The risk of mobile phone use for children has now been recognised by leading international authorities. The European Parliament, the French Government and Finland’s radiation authority are among the latest to call for precautions.

    New CEO of Australia’s radiation authority, Mr Peter Burns, talks about his perspective on EMR, including the development of the new ELF standard.

    Does riding a motor cycle increase your exposure to EMR? Find out the answer to this and more in the current issue of “EMR and Health”.

    This print publication contains the latest news and summaries of scientific studies in an easy-to-read format. Available from EMR Australia (www.emraustralia.com.au/ 02 9501 2665).

    warm regards
    Lyn McLean
    Publisher “EMR and Health”
    EMR Australia PL
    PO Box 738
    Gymea NSW 2227
    61 2 9501 2665

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