#986: Notice for a forthcoming book about the wireless society
From Bente-Ingrid Bruun:
The Danish book about the wireless society will soon be published, and therefore I send you an abstract in advance, but the book doesn’t have an ISBN number yet.
The EU Commission has given high priority to the development and expansion of the Wireless Marketplace and the Wireless Society.
First we got expansion of mobile phones and their base station infrastructure, and now it is time for wireless and mobile broadband internet connections everywhere.
The wireless Society with, around the clock, chronic exposure to electromagnetic radiation, EMR is already reality – but at what cost?
Unfortunately Health and Environment have low priority in the EU compared to the support for Wireless Expansion.
According to the World Health Organization, WHO and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, ICNIRP, it is safe to use wireless technology and be exposed to EMR as long as the signal intensity is below the guidelines.
But, is it the truth or is it a myth?
Scientific myths can be created via false negative research results that obscure the facts.
One example of such research is the Danish Update Cohorte Study on mobile-phones and cancer risk. This particular study was designed to support the myth of No risk from mobile-phone radiation. It is too easy to manipulate epidemiological research results, to exclude results with documented biological adverse effects and control the outcome by depriving independent researchers of grants.
During the recent years WHO and ICNIRP have lost credibility, because the EMR exposure guidelines they uphold are based on thermal effects only from short-term and intense exposure. Such thermally based guidelines ignore a huge amount of scientific data that show adverse effects occurring at non-thermal exposure levels, and they also ignore new EMR parameters.
The WHO, ICNIRP and health-protection agencies hold on to old exposure guidelines despite numerous appeals and warnings from independent scientists, especially from Russia and the BioInitiative Working Group along with groups of physicians from around the world.
It is time for new biologically based exposure guidelines.
Risk evaluation is based on distorted reality and the population is kept in the dark. Without true facts, prevention and control of EMR induced disease and disability is hindered.
The WHO has no agenda for collecting data on e.g. electrohypersensitivity, EHS and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC continues to ignore the documented increase in Cancer Clusters e.g. surrounding mobile-phone base-stations.
A battle between myth and fact is taking place in Wireless Societies.
It is high time to start protecting children, pregnant and other vulnerable persons against electromagnetic radiation, a new form of environmental pollution.
The book includes a foreword written by Professor, Dr. Med. Olle Johansson, Sweden.
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