#943: September issue of “EMR and Health” now available
From EMR Australia:
Dear All
EMR may be contributing to serious health problems, including cancer and diabetes, by impacting on the body’s energy metabolising processes.
In the September issue of “EMR and Health” we look at new evidence for the link between EMR and diabetes and how EMR may be contributing to a global increase in the disease.
This issue also contains a feature on how to counteract damage from EMR, with evidence from a large number of international research studies.
There is also information about:
* a new legal challenge on EMR in Australia
* the progress of the Australian ELF standard
* plus all the latest news and research results from around the world.
To find out more, visit EMR and Health at www.emraustralia.com.au.
warm regards
Lyn McLean
EMR Australia PL
PO Box 738
Gymea NSW 2227
61 2 9501 2665