• 28 MAY 08
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    #892:The Larry King show on cell phone dangers

    From Microwave News:

    Larry King will devote tonight’s show to a discussion on “Cell Phones: Are
    They Dangerous?”

    Among those scheduled to appear are Drs. Keith Black, the head of
    neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, Sanjay Gupta, a
    neurosurgeon and CNN’s chief medical correspondent, Vini Khurana, an
    Australian neurosurgeon, Louis Slesin, the editor of Microwave News, and
    Michael Thun of the American Cancer Society.

    Black treated Johnny Cochran, O.J. Simpson’s attorney, who died of a brain
    tumor in 2005. Cochran’s widow, Dale, will also be on the show. “There’s a
    significant correlation between the side that one uses [a] cell phone on
    and the side that you develop the brain tumor on,” Black told CNN’s Gupta
    three years ago. Taking an opposing view was Howard Frumkin of Emory
    University and more recently CDC. “This is a very low probability kind of a
    thing approaching zero probability,” Frumkin said, “There’s no evidence to
    support the idea that Mr. Cochran’s brain tumor resulted from cell phone

    The show airs at 9pm on the East Coast, at 6pm on the West Coast, and at
    8pm most places in between. Clips will likely be posted on the show’s Web
    For details, go to:


    Louis Slesin, PhD
    Editor, Microwave News
    A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
    Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
    E-mail: ; Internet:
    Mail: 155 East 77th Street, Suite 3D
    New York, NY 10075, U.S.A.

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