#851: Suppression of the Interphone Project?
From Louis Slesin:
Dear Colleagues:
It’s time to end the deadlock. It’s time to release the results of the Interphone project, the largest and most expensive cell phone epidemiological study ever attempted.
Microwave News has learned that a completed draft of the results was completed TWO YEARS AGO. Yet, the paper has not yet been published and the participants refuse to discuss what they found.
Many observers believe that the Interphone study points to a long-term risk of developing tumors. But we will not know for sure until the results are made public.
Any further delay would be close to scandalous.
Read the complete story on our Web site:
Louis Slesin
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
Mail: 155 East 77th Street, Suite 3D
New York, NY 10075, U.S.A.