• 26 JAN 08
    • 0

    #848: Spreading the word on the Bioinitiative report

    From Cindy Sage:

    Dear friends,

    Can you circulate this widely? Â Many thanks.
    The date is set for the evening of Tuesday, January 29th.
    It is a remarkable opportunity to educate people all over the world.
    If you want to listen in, you need to google “Coast to Coast” to find the
    radio station that carries George Noory: Coast to Coast.

    Or, it can be podcast.


    Cindy Sage

    One of our listeners sent me an interview of yours on You Tube and I was riveted by your information on EMF and the threat to our overall health. I would like to speak to you about a possible interview on our radio program. Over the years we have featured various people who have talked about this, but not to the extent that you have studied it. Please give me a call or let me know a good time to reach you.

    “Coast to Coast AM” is the largest overnight talk radio show in the U.S., airing nationwide on 500 affiliates including WABC, New York; WLS, Chicago; and KFI am 640, Los Angeles. The show is the number one rated show in most markets with overwhelming market share. We air live from 10pm to 2am Pacific time and feature interviews up to three hours long. For more information about the show, please visit the website at www.coasttocoastam.com

    Although we cover news stories and hard science when the events warrant our attention, we do not close the door on ideas that run counter to conventional wisdom. We have Ivy League professors on the show as well as people who claim to have seen ghosts and aliens. Our demographics are a broad cross-section of society with number one ratings in all categories from young to old and equally distributed among men and women both.

    Thank you.

    Lisa Lyon
    Producer, “Coast to Coast AM”
    Premiere Radio Networks

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