#825: Australian Democrats warning on mobile phone towers
From Sarah Benson, the office of Senator Lyn Allison:
MEDIA Friday 7th December 2007
Risking Lives: Democrats demand crackdown on mobile phone towers
Microwave radiation emitted by mobile phone towers may be behind the rise in potentially fatal illnesses, a Democrats-commissioned discussion paper has found.
“This is the first time a report has compared predictions made by independent scientific research into the effects of mobile phone radiation with actual rates of illness 15 years on. The evidence suggests that increases in certain conditions worldwide are likely to be linked to exposure to communications microwave radiation.” Senator Lyn Allison, Leader of the Australian Democrats said today.
Joining the Dots found that rises in cancer, diabetes, asthma, allergies and Alzheimer”™s disease all rose as predicted.
“Even though there are often multiple cause of illness, the only new environmental factor over the past 15 years that coincides with these big increases in disease is electromagnetic radiation from wireless communications equipment”.
“Ten years ago the Coalition Government gave mobile phone companies carte blanch to put up their phone towers and base stations anywhere and councils and communities ever since have battled to keep them away from residences, schools, kindergartens and aged care facilities”, she said, “Now it seems their fears may be well placed.
The Democrats call on the Government to remove the “˜low impact”™ exemption from planning laws for mobile phone equipment, at least until proper studies are done to test the veracity of this link.
Join The Dots Discussion Paper: http://www.democrats.org.au/docs/2007/Joining_the_Dots11.pdf
Executive Summary:
Media contact “” Paul Watson 0408 056 167
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