#780:New report on EMFs and legal considerations now available from Powerwatch
Powerwatch notice sent via. Hans Karow:
Brenda Short LLB(Hons) LLM, our legal advisor, has worked hard to produce an exceptional 100 page document titled “Further legal considerations in relation to EMFs, powerlines and a precautionary approach, following the SAGE report published April 2007”. This document considers in further detail whether existing legislation could be applied to any potential pollution from EMFs. It also considers other legislation in relation to powerlines / EMFs and how a precautionary approach could be adopted.
1 Background to law in this paper
2 Role of various Govt. Depts, Govt. Agencies and other bodies
3 Introduction to legal issues relevant to EMFs
4 Applicability of existing legislation to EMFs / Powerlines
5 Extracts from sections 3 and 29 and schedules 3 and 4 to the Electricity Act 1989
6 Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999
7 Copy of European Parliament’s reply in June 2005 to petition by Trentham Action Group
8 Copy of European Parliament’s reply in May 2007 to petition by individual from Poland
Link is at: http://powerwatch.org.uk/news/20070713_emf_legal_considerations.asp
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