#717: A consistent non-thermal cell phone bio-effect observed
From Iris Atzmon:
Dear all,
I had the honour to speak with Joseph Friedman this morning. He is excited about his findings as he made a scientific breakthrough. I have yet to read the full paper but meanwhile he told me these findings are stable, they repeated 20 and 30 times and got the same result and the findings are especially strong because they occured at the level of the membrane and not only cells. They used fibroblasts and cells of the cervix. He said that one thing is clear and this is that “the cells are not indifferent to the radiation”.
They checked different frequencies but especially 875MHz.
This study lasted 8 (!) years. He would be glad to receive reactions from the scientific community.
Biochem J. 2007 Apr 25; [Epub ahead of print]
Mechanism of a short-term ERK activation by electromagnetic fields at mobile phone frequency.
“¢ Friedman J,
“¢ Kraus S,
“¢ Hauptman Y,
“¢ Schiff Y,
“¢ Seger R.
The exposure to non-thermal microwave electromagnetic field generated by mobile phones affects the expression of many proteins. This effect on transcription and protein stability can be mediated by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades, which serve as central signaling pathways, and govern essentially all stimulated cellular processes. Indeed, a long-term exposure of cells to mobile phone irradiation results in the activation of p38MAPKs as well as the ERK/MAPKs. Here we studied the immediate effect of irradiation on the MAPK cascades, and found that ERKs, but not stress related MAPKs are rapidly activated in response to various frequencies and intensities. Using signaling inhibitors we delineated the mechanism that is involved in this activation. We found that the first step is mediated in the plasma membrane by NADH oxidase, which rapidly generates reactive oxygen species (ROS). These ROS then directly stimulate matrix metalloproteinases and allow them to cleave and release heparin binding-EGF. This secreted factor, activates EGF receptor, which in turn further activates the ERK cascade. Thus, this study demonstrates for the first time a detailed molecular mechanism by which electromagnetic irradiation by mobile phones induces the activation of the ERK cascade and thereby induces transcription and other cellular processes.
PMID: 17456048 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]
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