• 19 APR 07
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    #709: From a UK beekeeper re: concerns over CCD

    The following was send in by Tom Leitch. It is an email from a UK beekeeper, Marion Lang, now doing the rounds in the beeking community in the UK and New Zealand. Hopefully it is only a matter of time before vital research is started. Just hope it is not by the Telcos!

    Dear fellow beekeepers,

    I received a couple a newspaper articles yesterday regarding cell phones
    and the possible connection to the collapse of colonies. I think the
    time is now right for me to make my own fears more widely known based on
    my personal experience of the past year.

    Please bear with me, I need to explain the background before I come to
    the point in order to make my story easier to follow.
    Those of you who know me will know that for some time I have been a
    *little upset by ‘wind turbines’.* It was through this that I made my
    disturbing discovery. I was studying the effects that infrasound can
    have on people living near to wind-farms and researching into a possible
    reason for our vanishing geese which have over-wintered here forever,
    until recently. The TETRA system used by the police etc. was trialled
    here in the 80s and 90s and I suspected a connection. Much of the
    evidence showing possible problems was buried at the time. A site well
    worth exploring is _http://.tetrawatch.net/tetra/index.php_ where there
    is a wealth of information to be had. I had the opportunity to borrow a
    simple domestic monitor in order to try and trace an infrasound within
    my own home which had been bothering me for some time, although Graham
    having a different range of hearing, did not hear it.

    I will not bore you with the details but to my absolute horror and
    almost by accident I discovered that there was an *electromagnetic
    ground-wave* travelling over the ground from a northerly direction and
    microwaves were and still are coming through the walls, windows and
    doors along the entire northern elevation of the house. After a lot of
    on the ground and internet research using a computer ( Broadband by Land
    line not wireless ) I traced the source of my misery to the Broadcasting
    Transmission Mast at Tealing in Angus. At first I wasn’t sure but a
    weekend’s curling in Kelso confirmed it for me when I had the same
    experiences as at home and there in full view were both the radio and TV
    masts at Selkirk. These masts are part of the new network, costing
    millions, you will all have seen (can’t miss the bright red lights)
    which cover the whole country and are being converted to digital in
    order to give every home, whether they want it or not, *wireless access
    to internet on their* *TVs and, if you have one, the new 3G telephones.
    At present there is a great push to get 3G installed as there is a
    ‘Government Target’ to be met by the end of 2007. *These masts transmit
    at different strengths, the one in Angus at 100KW and the one which may
    affect many of you at Durris, Aberdeenshire at 500KW. The one in Angus
    is 20 miles in a straight line due north of my house. That does not take
    into account going up-hill and down dale and yet it still comes into our
    home through unprotected walls. Preventing this technology from entering
    your house is impossible, we have reduced it but this technology is
    designed to go round, up, over, down and through things and *all cell
    phones use it. Think about it, if it goes through bricks etc. it will
    certainly go through you.* The high strength of output we are receiving
    will almost certainly be damaging us long-term as it already is in the
    short-term, I know!

    Like most people I assumed that cell phones, digital radio and
    television would travel as airwaves and you would need aerials to
    receive them. Maybe the industry did not fully understand that
    electromagnetic technology would travel as a ground-wave even between
    line of sight masts, this may be because the basic premise on which the
    technology is based is flawed. Perhaps they overlooked the power of the
    earth’s own magnetic force and that of gravity. Why are we using a
    technology which was designed for use in warfare and was known for being
    inherently dangerous to the user as well as the intended victim? The new
    frequencies used for broadcasting are very close to those used by the
    military and they have the ability to enter water, which I expect is one
    of the factors affecting us as we are made up mostly of water. The sheer
    volume of electro-smog out there now is compounding the problem.






    Throughout February and most of March this year something changed. It
    had been a very un-natural winter in this area anyway, but January was
    an amazing month more like May. We did a lot of outside work and began
    to realise we were both becoming very electrostatic, Graham began to
    hear the noise and feel the oscillating effects of the infrasound as
    well. The noise increased making it almost impossible to sleep in spite
    of earplugs which only reduce the sound at best and he could hear it
    despite his tinnitus. I even began to hear it outside as it was
    un-naturally quiet for this time of year during the day and especially
    at night. I then discovered that the sound is almost certainly being
    made due to the conductivity of metal setting up a resonance, it bounces
    off wire fences, garage doors and even gets the electric cables singing
    more than normal. Interestingly our lights are brighter too but the
    meter is not ticking over faster. Using metal shears while wearing my
    wedding ring has affected only the knuckle next to it, causing a
    swelling although no pain. This happened overnight and once I was
    finally able to remove the ring have been totally unable to put it back
    on, a day or two prior to this it slipped on and off normally. Life for
    us became very difficult, me in particular as I found myself waking in a
    high state of alarm (sometimes I felt like I was about to have a heart
    attack and as those of you who know me I am not that bad in the fitness
    department) due to the pulsed beat of the infrasound which is close to
    but not quite that of the human heart. My body was on full alert at this
    time. I had to regularly get out of bed and ground myself as I was
    getting shocks off the bedsprings. I also had to remove the springs from
    my usual chair in order to sit in comfort. At regular intervals
    throughout the night we would be affected by the inner vibrations, we
    are not alone in this area suffering lack of sleep and wakening at
    regular times. I think this small corner of Fife is a particular
    hot-spot for a number of topographical reasons. We changed, at great
    expense, to a memory-foam mattress (it’s magic) this alleviated the
    problem but did not get rid of it. I woke one night after this feeling a
    shock going right through my body and out the soles of my feet – that
    without any metal in the bed apart from a few screws. Something was
    going on that transmission was going out at such strength, I may never
    know what and much worse it is possible the industry does not either.
    Before Easter the pulse changed and it has done so again, this is subtle
    but when you have become as tuned in to it as I have you notice
    immediately as it effects your body in different ways.

    Environmental Services visited accompanied by a consultant from NHS
    Fife, acknowledged there is a problem refused to monitor and will do
    nothing more than suggest I consult my doctor which I have fully
    appraising him of the situation in writing, and join a research study
    for cell phone usage – not much good as I don’t use one.

    I quickly realised that I am up a gum tree where help is concerned at a
    human level, so am totally committed to tripping them up with the
    environment, there not having been any research that I can find on the
    possible consequences.

    The government have made billions out of this industry, this is well
    documented. The dot com sale of frequencies in 2003 swelled the coffers
    of the treasury at an opportune moment, they can’t admit an error and
    that research into the possibility of unknown consequences for the use
    of this dangerous technology on us and our environment was not
    adequately undertaken here in Britain. There is plenty of evidence
    available from elsewhere in the world but this was either buried,
    ignored or both. The ICNIRP guidelines, and they are only that, for the
    industry did not fully take into account that the lower frequencies
    would affect bio systems in the way in which they are proving to do. My
    personal view is that they are so flawed it would be a joke if it were
    not that the consequences are proving to be so serious. If I thought the
    wind industry was dodgy and unregulated, except by the industry itself,
    it has nothing on this one and it too is GLOBAL.*

    *My anger at this wanton lack of care for the environment and all life
    forms, mostly borne out of greed and ignorance, is directed at those
    responsible for its well-being and therefore the health of the Nation
    and is my driving force. For me this is the last straw. Many of you will
    have farming connections as I do, BSE, foot and mouth and goodness knows
    what next, the farmer always gets the blame but they cannot lay this one
    at his door no matter how hard they try.
    At present I am awaiting Tessa Jowel’s response to a letter expressing
    my concerns to my MP Menzies Campbell which he forwarded to her for
    comment, or as I expect the list of internet references which they all
    send and which are hopelessly out of date.

    This is only one of many which I have sent to various bodies, many of
    whom are all too aware there are serious problems. I don?t hold much
    hope as this fragmented form of government we have means no one takes
    responsibility for anything. In good scots “It wasne me that dun it.” “I
    wasnae there, I was aff seeck at the time” or “Ah didnae unnerstan but
    the mannie frae the innustry said it wud be ok”.

    My science teacher would be proud of how much basic information he
    instilled considering it is somewhat over forty years since I left
    school. I always understood that ground-waves were dangerous and my
    present research has given some information on how these waves work.

    The magnetic wave carrying the information travels together with an
    *ELECTRIC WAVE, *they oscillate together, the electric wave propelling
    the magnetic one in the direction required, in the case of cell phone
    there will be waves travelling in each direction.


    _http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs205/en_ World Health
    Organisation Fact Sheet No.205 November,1998

    *At last this brings me to the BEES*. For some time I have suspected a
    connection and initially thought it would just be the pulse producing
    infrasound in the hives and driving them out. Believe me I know how
    awful it is! However I had a Marie Celeste in 2005 when the bees had
    fantastic forage around, hive full of capped and uncapped honey and a
    handful of bees it wasn’t robbed either. This has niggled away at me as
    I could find no real explanation and as the forage was phacelia could
    not believe chemicals could really be involved.

    A nearby neighbour of mine lost four of his five hives at the end of the
    last year, they just dwindled away not returning from their foraging
    trips. I have collated a lot of information on TETRA and as it happens
    there are two lines crossing over his apiary, apart from many others in
    the district together with the broadcasting waves, this would make his
    foraging area rather a lottery. The output from the Angus Mast stepped
    up from last March, proof hard to come by but when I put an experience I
    had had to a technician at OFCOM and a senior person at National Grid
    Broadcasting there was a deathly hush, and information I got elsewhere
    reassures me I hit the target.

    Last year when still a member of the SBA Executive I helped gather
    information on their behalf for the survey, I could see at once, from
    the information coming in and the many conversations I had with other
    beekeepers, that there was a problem and it is geographically
    widespread. My recent experiences lying in awake in bed at night,
    awaiting the next electric fix gave me my ‘Eureka’ thought. Another
    highly plausible explanation is that quite simply our bees, like me are
    getting fried by the electric wave. This will happen when they are out
    foraging, given what I know about the waves, and it will also be
    happening within the hive. Infrasound is created by the pulsed frequency
    and will have the same biological effect on bees as it does on our
    nervous systems and they will fall ill with viruses etc. Either way this
    is the perfect murder, no body and no evidence. Very difficult to prove
    in insect, bird, animal and probably even man as there would be no toxic
    residue or sign. Plant life is not safe either, there are definite signs
    of things not being normal in one particular species of tree in this
    part of Scotland. Trees seem to absorb the microwave and are probably
    acting as earths, rather like receiving a mini lightning strike on a
    regular basis.

    In its most extreme form this technology could destroy buildings and
    other things, this is where my science master comes in, remember I was a
    school in the 1950s which was not that long after the war. In time it
    may be that our house will start to suffer too from the sustained and
    unremitting assault.



    There was work done in Germany with cell phones which shows the work
    done there some years ago.





    Today I am sitting here writing this and fuming at the folly of
    ‘boffins’ who I wish were in their coffins. My back is prickling
    intensely. This is as a result of planting my potatoes, in a deep bed,
    on my hands and knees as it is easier that way. At the same time my
    husband’s lower legs are suffering the same after grass-cutting, we
    would both be receiving exposure to an electric wave at different parts
    of our bodies. To understand this look up:

    As I have informed many people in high places recently, I have spent
    almost my entire life in the countryside first in the wilds of Africa
    and for many years in Scotland and never before have I felt so afraid of
    my environment. Or in my own home.

    There is endless propaganda about climate change but what no one has the
    courage to say is, if you wrap most of the world (masts are on remote
    islands too and don’t forget satellites) in an electric blanket you must
    expect things to get a little warmer to say nothing of some of the other

    It may be that the bee has the last laugh or I hope STING. As quoted in
    the Telegraph article “Albert Einstein once said if the bees disappeared
    man would have only four years of life left”. By my reckoning unless
    we get a move on we haven’t got much time left given all the other
    problems our bees already have.

    The attachment to this e.mail was sent to me from Eileen O’Connor of the
    Health Protection Agency it is a document she prepared in November 2006
    and is very interesting and worth the read if you can access it, she is
    very happy to have this passed on to those who may find it of interest.
    I e.mailed her yesterday and she will be passing on all my information
    and concerns to the Health and Safety Executive UK.

    I am more than happy for this e.mail to be forwarded to fellow
    beekeepers and any other body who can help us get answers and help in
    trying to avert what I see as a fast approaching disaster.

    Yours sincerely,

    Marion Lang

    16th April, 2007

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