• 03 MAR 07
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    #664: DECT and bee decline

    From Alfonso Balmori
    In a recent study carried out with bees in Germany, only few irradiated bees (with DECT) returned to the beehive and required more time to reach the hive. The weight of honeycombs is also smaller in the bees that were irradiated

    Stever H, Kuhn J, Otten C, Wunder B, Harst W. Verhaltensanderung unter elektromagnetischer Exposition.Pilotstudie. Institut fu¨ r mathematik. Arbeitsgruppe. Bildungsinformatik. Universita¨t Koblenz-Landau; 2005. http://agbi.uni-landau.de/materialien.htm

    See also

    www.mikrowellensmog.info/bienen.html web from Dr. Ferdinand Ruzicka, Doz University.




    Firstenberg, A. 1997: Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution. Cellular Phone Taskforce. Brooklyn, NY 11210.

    With best regards

    Alfonso Balmori. Spain

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